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UNCC Course Reviews

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFRS 3220Caribbean Slavery to Indep00000
AFRS 2050Topics in Africana Studies: Lady Justice may be blind but sh...00000
AFRS 2105Black Images in Media in US00000
AFRS 2111Yoruba Language and Culture I00000
AFRS 2120African American Women00000
AFRS 2161The African American Experience: Civil War to Civil Rights00000
AFRS 2172Black Sexuality and Health00000
AFRS 2206African Lit, Music & Art00000
AFRS 2207Pan Africanism00000
AFRS 2221Modern Africa00000
AFRS 3050Topics in Africana Studies: Race Religion and Murder00000
AFRS 3150Afr-Amer Church & Civil Rights00000
AFRS 3155Health and Healing in Africa00000
AFRS 3190The Political Economy of the Caribbean00000
AFRS 3200Folklore Afr & Afr Diaspora00000
AFRS 2011Topics in Africana Studies:Yoruba Language & Culture I00000
AFRS 3260Slav Rac, & Col Afr Diaspora00000
AFRS 3264Business Culture and Entrepreneurship in Africa00000
AFRS 3270Afro-Latin American History00000
AFRS 3290Research Methods00000
AFRS 3395African American Art00000
AFRS 3895Independent Study00000
AFRS 4010African Diaspora Theory00000
AFRS 4100African Diaspora Theory00000
AFRS 4401Professional Internship in Africana Studies00000
AFRS 4640Environment, State, and Society in the Caribbean and Latin A...00000
AFRS 4790Senior Honors Project/Thesis00000
AFRS 5000Special Topics in Africana Studies: Dismantling Racism in Am...00000
AFRS 6630Graduate Colloquium: Contemporary Black Poetics and Visual A...00000
AFRS 3218Rac, Viol, Col Times to Pres00000
AFRS 2012Yoruba Language & Culture II00000
AFRS 2103Introduction to Hip Hop00000
AFRS 2107Global Hip Hop00000
AFRS 2112Yoruba Language and Culture II00000
AFRS 2156African Civilization00000
AFRS 2160The African American Experience through Civil War00000
AFRS 2170Introduction to Health and Environmental Issues00000
AFRS 2174Environmental Literature in Africa and the Caribbean00000
AFRS 2215Black Families in the US00000
AFRS 2301Intro To African-American Lit00000
AFRS 3121Contemporary African Art00000
AFRS 3154Globalization in African History00000
AFRS 3179Afr Amer Poliical Philosophy00000
AFRS 3192African Cinema00000
AFRS 1100Intro to Africana Studies00000
AFRS 3240African Amer & Legal Process00000
AFRS 3261Psychology of the Black Experience00000
AFRS 3265African Economic Development00000
AFRS 3278Race in the History of Brazil00000
AFRS 3328West African Art and Display00000
AFRS 3692Colloquium: Modernist Dialogue Between African & African Ame...00000
AFRS 4000Senior Sem in Africana Studies: Black Atlantic Cosmopolitani...00000
AFRS 4050Topics in Africana Studies: Revolutionary Haiti and the Mode...00000
AFRS 4105African International Relations00000
AFRS 4630Environment And Public Health In Africa (O)00000
AFRS 4652Race Hlth & the Afri Diaspora00000
AFRS 6610Diaspora and Transnational Theories00000
AFRS 6901Directed Readings/Research00000