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UNCC Course Reviews

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 3800Tutorial in Biology00000
BIOL 4279Neurobiology00000
BIOL 4277Endocrinology00000
BIOL 4274Environmentl Toxiclgy & Health00000
BIOL 4265Drugs: Molecular & Cellul Mech00000
BIOL 4258Epidemics and Plagues00000
BIOL 4250Microbiology00000
BIOL 4251Immunology00000
BIOL 4245Marine Biology00000
BIOL 4243Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 4235Mammalogy00000
BIOL 4199Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4167Medical Genetics00000
BIOL 4121Biometry00000
BIOL 4000Topics in Biology: Global Network Learning Lab00000
BIOL 4292Advances in Immunology00000
BIOL 3274Scientific Writing00000
BIOL 3273Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 3244Field Ecology00000
BIOL 3235The Biology of Insects00000
BIOL 3222General Botany00000
BIOL 3166LGenetics Lab00000
BIOL 3161Intro to Biotechnology00000
BIOL 3144LEcology Lab00000
BIOL 3111Cell Biology00000
BIOL 2274LHuman Anatomy & Phys Lab II00000
BIOL 2273LHuman Anatomy & Phys Lab I00000
BIOL 2259LFundamentals of Microbio Lab00000
BIOL 2140LGeneral Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2120General Biology I00000
BIOL 5293Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIOL 8999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
BIOL 8366Advanced Protein Biotechnology00000
BIOL 8260Crs Bioscnc: Pro Dev Res Cndct00000
BIOL 8201Seminar00000
BIOL 8140Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 8102Cell and Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 8000Special Topics in Biology: Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 6900Research and Thesis00000
BIOL 6600Seminar00000
BIOL 6274Adv Human Pathophysiology00000
BIOL 6270Biological Pathwys & Metabolsm00000
BIOL 6241Environmental Biology00000
BIOL 6103Immunology of Infection00000
BIOL 6101Hypothesis Testing00000
BIOL 1110LPrinciples of Biology I Lab00000
BIOL 5279Neurobiology00000
BIOL 5265Drugs: Molecular & Cell Mechan00000
BIOL 5258Epidemics and Plagues00000
BIOL 5255Bacterial Genetics00000
BIOL 5250Microbiology00000
BIOL 5243Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 5242Biology of Birds00000
BIOL 5233Parasitology00000
BIOL 5171Cell Physiology00000
BIOL 5162Advanced Biotechnology I00000
BIOL 5111Evolution00000
BIOL 4701Honors Research II00000
BIOL 4601Honors Seminar00000
BIOL 4405Internship/Laboratory Research00000
BIOL 3405Internship in Biology00000
BIOL 4279LNeurobiology Lab00000
BIOL 4276Cardiovascular Physiology00000
BIOL 4272Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 4259Virology00000
BIOL 4257Microbial Phys & Metab00000
BIOL 4255Bacterial Genetics00000
BIOL 4250LMicrobiology Lab00000
BIOL 4244Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 4242The Biology of Birds00000
BIOL 4233Parasitology00000
BIOL 4171Cell Physiology00000
BIOL 4162Advanced Biotechnology I00000
BIOL 4111Evolution00000
BIOL 3900Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4283Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 3273LAnimal Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 3271Human Body in Health & Disease00000
BIOL 3236General Zoology00000
BIOL 3231Invertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 3202Horticulture00000
BIOL 3166Genetics00000
BIOL 3144Ecology00000
BIOL 3111LCell Biology Lab00000
BIOL 3000Special Topics in Biology: Life: How We Got Here00000
BIOL 2274Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIOL 2273Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIOL 2259Fundamentals of Microbiology00000
BIOL 2130General Biology II00000
BIOL 1115Principles of Biology II00000
BIOL 5283Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 8800Laboratory Rotations00000
BIOL 8270Biolgcl Pathwys & Metabolism00000
BIOL 8241Environmental Biology00000
BIOL 8200Interdisciplinary Colloquium00000
BIOL 8103Immunology of Infection00000
BIOL 8101Hypothesis Testing00000
BIOL 6901Laboratory Research00000
BIOL 6800Tutorial00000
BIOL 6366Advanced Protein Biotechnology00000
BIOL 6273Adv Human Physiology00000
BIOL 6260Crs Bioscnc: Pro Dev Res Cndct00000
BIOL 6140Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 6102Cell & Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6000Special Topics in Biology: Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 1110Principles of Biology I00000
BIOL 5277Endocrinology00000
BIOL 5259Advanced Virology00000
BIOL 5257Microbial Physiology & Metab00000
BIOL 5251Immunology00000
BIOL 5244Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 5235Mammalogy00000
BIOL 5199Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 5167Medical Genetics00000
BIOL 5121Advanced Biometry00000
BIOL 5000Advanced Topics in Biology: Gene Silencing00000
BIOL 4700Honors Research I00000
BIOL 4600Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 4293Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000