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UNCC Course Reviews

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CJUS 3053Juvenile Corrections00000
CJUS 3351Community Corrections00000
CJUS 3340The Juvenile Offender00000
CJUS 3321Criminal Procedure00000
CJUS 3310Punishment And Freedom00000
CJUS 3210Problems & Decisions In Cjus00000
CJUS 3152Correctional Law00000
CJUS 3150Community Corrections00000
CJUS 3132Interviewing In Cjus00000
CJUS 3120The Juvenile Offender00000
CJUS 3112Famous Criminal Trials Of The 20Th Century00000
CJUS 3110Criminal Justice And The Law00000
CJUS 3101Rsch Methods In Cjus00000
CJUS 3065Interviewing in CJUS00000
CJUS 3063Mediation and Conflict Resolution00000
CJUS 3353Juvenile Corrections00000
CJUS 3041The Criminal Offender00000
CJUS 3032Criminal Justice Learning Community II00000
CJUS 3021Criminal Procedure00000
CJUS 3010Law Enforcement Behav Systems00000
CJUS 2380Intro to Law Enforcement00000
CJUS 2361Juvenile Justice00000
CJUS 2350Introduction to Corrections00000
CJUS 2320Introduction to Courts00000
CJUS 2120Juvenile Justice00000
CJUS 2070Research Methods in Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 2060Ethics and the Criminal Justice System00000
CJUS 2040Criminological Theory00000
CJUS 2010Introduction to Law Enforcement00000
CJUS 4372Drug Analytics00000
CJUS 6901Thesis I00000
CJUS 6400Graduate Internship00000
CJUS 6171Geospatial Analytics and Crime00000
CJUS 6151Rehabilitation & Reintegration00000
CJUS 6131Police Problems & Practices00000
CJUS 6106Crime Analytics00000
CJUS 6104Legal and Ethical Issues in Crime Analysis00000
CJUS 6102Research Methods and Design00000
CJUS 6100Criminal Justice Policy00000
CJUS 5000Topics in Criminal Justice: Intelligence Analysis & Security...00000
CJUS 4400Research Practicum00000
CJUS 4376Social Network Analysis00000
CJUS 4374Geospatial Analytics & Crime00000
CJUS 1200Professionalism in Criminal Justice and Criminology00000
CJUS 4364Elders and the Criminal Justice System00000
CJUS 4360Drugs, Crime, & CJUS System00000
CJUS 4351Violence & Violent Offender00000
CJUS 4320Evidence00000
CJUS 4220Evidence00000
CJUS 4075Community Oriented Policing, Problem Solving, and Crime Anal...00000
CJUS 4000Topics in Criminal Justice: Communicating in Criminology00000
CJUS 3400Criminal Justice Internship00000
CJUS 3380Law Enforcement Behav Systems00000
CJUS 3366Domestic Violence00000
CJUS 3364The Admin of Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 3362Famous Criminal Trials of the Twentieth Century00000
CJUS 3360CJUS Learning Community I00000
CJUS 3052Institutional Corrections00000
CJUS 3341The Criminal Offender00000
CJUS 3323Correctional Law00000
CJUS 3320Criminal Justice and the Law00000
CJUS 3220The Criminal Offender00000
CJUS 3153Juvenile Corrections00000
CJUS 3151Institutional Corrections00000
CJUS 3141Law Enforcement Behav Systems00000
CJUS 3130The Admin Of Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 3114Mediation And Conflict Resolution00000
CJUS 3111Criminal Procedure00000
CJUS 3102American Criminal Courts00000
CJUS 3100Criminal Justice Theory00000
CJUS 3064The Administration of Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 3060CJUS Learning Community I00000
CJUS 3352Institutional Corrections00000
CJUS 3040The Juvenile Offender00000
CJUS 3031Learning Community I00000
CJUS 3020Criminal Justice and the Law00000
CJUS 3000Topics in Criminal Justice: Criminal Justice and Social Dive...00000
CJUS 2370Research Methods in Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 2360Ethics and the CJUS System00000
CJUS 2340Criminological Theory00000
CJUS 2154Intro To Corrections00000
CJUS 2102Ethics And The Cjus System00000
CJUS 2061Juvenile Justice00000
CJUS 2050Intro to Corrections00000
CJUS 2020Introduction to Courts00000
CJUS 2000Intro To Law Enforcement00000
CJUS 4373Intelligence Analysis00000
CJUS 6902Thesis II00000
CJUS 6800Directed Study in Crim Just00000
CJUS 6172Intelligence Analysis00000
CJUS 6160Juvenile Justice Systems00000
CJUS 6140Pros & Adjudication Process00000
CJUS 6130Law Enforcement Systems00000
CJUS 6105Criminal Justice Seminar00000
CJUS 6103Data Analysis00000
CJUS 6101Criminology and Policy00000
CJUS 6000Topics in Criminal Justice: Qualitative Research and Analysi...00000
CJUS 4700Honors Capstone Proj in CJUS00000
CJUS 4377Crime Measurement and Data Visualization00000
CJUS 4375Comm Police & Crime Analysis00000
CJUS 1100Foundations of Criminal Justice00000
CJUS 4370Data Analytics and Crime00000
CJUS 4363Gender, Race, and Justice00000
CJUS 4352Serial Murder00000
CJUS 4101Drugs, Crime, & Cjus System00000
CJUS 4070Introduction to Data Analytics00000
CJUS 4020Evidence00000
CJUS 3800Directed Individual Study00000
CJUS 3382Comm Orient Policing-Prob Solv00000
CJUS 3367Problems & Decisions in CJUS00000
CJUS 3365Interviewing in CJUS00000
CJUS 3363Mediation & Conflict Resltn00000
CJUS 3361CJUS Learning Community II00000
CJUS 3354Punishment and Freedom00000