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UNCP Course Reviews

University of North Carolina at Pembroke

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 4065Undergraduate Studio Explorati00000
ARTS 5235Abstract Minimalism00000
ARTS 5180Advanced Painting00000
ARTS 5160Graduate Advance Drawing00000
ARTS 5125Art Education (A/B Schedule)00000
ARTS 5075Graduate Studio Exploration II00000
ARTS 4050African American Art History00000
ARTS 3200Northern Renaissance Art (A/B Schedule)00000
ARTS 3140Ralph Steeds Print00000
ARTS 2070Exp Prnt Tech w Entomology00000
ARTS 2040Comics and Sequential Art00000
ARTS 5230Studies in Public Art (A/B Schedule)00000
ARTS 5170Printmaking00000
ARTS 5155Graduate Studio Exploration00000
ARTS 5140Sculpture00000
ARTS 5115Digital Arts00000
ARTS 2020Animation and Motions Graphics (A/B Schedule)00000
ARTS 4015Mural Painting00000
ARTS 3125Women in Art (A/B Schedule)00000
ARTS 3030Baroque Art00000
ARTS 2050Social Justice, Nar. and Film00000
ARTS 5250Metal Mentality00000
ARTS 5200Advanced Sculpture00000
ARTS 5165Studies In Public Art II: Meta00000
ARTS 5150Drawing00000
ARTS 5120Painting00000
ARTS 5000Book Illustration00000
ARTS 4040Advanced Drawing00000
ARTS 3150Intermediate Animations00000
ARTS 3040Stdy In Color Appch In Prntmkg00000
ARTS 2060Character Design & Storyboarding (A/B Schedule) (Synchronous...00000