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UNG Dahlonega Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Dahlonega

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 3450Introduction to Graphic Design00000
ART 3700Ceramics II00000
ART 3600Textile Design I00000
ART 3581Classical/Contemp Chinese Art00000
ART 3570Latin American and Latino Art00000
ART 3550Modern Art History00000
ART 3507History of Illustration and Sequential Art00000
ART 3500Visual Literacy & Communication00000
ART 3460Typography00000
ART 3452Digital 3D Modeling and Printing00000
ART 3810Digital Photography I00000
ART 3310Introduction to Book Arts00000
ART 3200Sculpture II00000
ART 3100Drawing II00000
ART 2600Introduction to Textiles00000
ART 2510Introduction to Art History I00000
ART 2452Intro to Digit Design & Fabric00000
ART 2200Sculpture I00000
ART 2100Life Drawing00000
ART 1030Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 4463Animated Storytelling00000
ART 4915Surfaces & Rendering00000
ART 4905Independent Study-Printmaking00000
ART 4810Digital Photography II00000
ART 4740Advanced Hand Building00000
ART 4720Ceramic Systems and Surface00000
ART 4650Weaving II00000
ART 4590Social History Porcelain00000
ART 4540American Art History00000
ART 4511History of Photography & Prints00000
ART 1010Drawing I00000
ART 4453Digital Illustration00000
ART 4451Graphic Design in Advertising00000
ART 4415Lithography00000
ART 4405Relief Printmaking I00000
ART 4352Adv Digit Design & Fabrication00000
ART 4165Painting: Form and Content00000
ART 4155Craft Media in Painting00000
ART 4105Drawing: Form and Content00000
ART 3400Printmaking I00000
ART 3650Weaving I00000
ART 3582The Arts of Japan00000
ART 3580Asian Art History00000
ART 3560Contemporary Art History00000
ART 3509History of Animation and Visual Effects00000
ART 3505History of Digital Art00000
ART 3463Traditional Animation Techniques00000
ART 3453Digital Animation Techniques00000
ART 3451Pre-Visualization00000
ART 3800Film Photography I00000
ART 3300Introduction to Letterpress00000
ART 3150Painting II00000
ART 2700Ceramics I00000
ART 2520Introduction to Art History II00000
ART 2455Introduction to Animation00000
ART 2450Introduction to Computer Graphics00000
ART 2150Painting I00000
ART 1100Art Appreciation00000
ART 4461Character Rigging and Animation00000
ART 4910Senior Capstone Exhibition00000
ART 4850Internship in Visual Art00000
ART 4800Film Photography II00000
ART 4730Advanced Wheel Throwing00000
ART 4710Ceramic Materials00000
ART 4600Textile Design II00000
ART 4561Fem Theory & Crit in Cont Art00000
ART 4521Appalachian Art & Artistic Expression00000
ART 4465Digital Visual Effects00000
ART 1020Two-Dimensional Design & Color Theory00000
ART 4452Digital Media00000
ART 4450Graphic Design Internet00000
ART 4410Intaglio Printmaking I00000
ART 4400Advanced Printmaking00000
ART 4200Sculpture III00000
ART 4160Painting: Media & Techniques00000
ART 4150Painting III00000
ART 4100Drawing: Media and Techniques00000