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UNG Dahlonega Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Dahlonega

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 3326KVertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 4350KAnimal Physiology00000
BIOL 4327KWildlife Ecology00000
BIOL 4250Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 4090Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 4070Clinical Pathology00000
BIOL 4040KStream Ecology00000
BIOL 4020KMammalogy00000
BIOL 3500KEcology00000
BIOL 4390KGeneral Microbiology00000
BIOL 3321KGeneral Botany00000
BIOL 3220KGenetics00000
BIOL 3000Ethical Issues in Science00000
BIOL 2902SEA-Phages lab00000
BIOL 2900Introduction to Biological Research00000
BIOL 2500LMicrobiology for Allied Health Professions Lab.00000
BIOL 2130KHuman Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIOL 1260LEnvironmental Science Lab00000
BIOL 4800Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4918Biology Lab Assistant00000
BIOL 4916Biology Lab Assistant00000
BIOL 4900Internship in Biology00000
BIOL 4805Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4804Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4803Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4802Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 4801Independent Study/Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 1118LPrincip of Biol II Lab STEM00000
BIOL 4726Endocrinology00000
BIOL 4700Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 4626Virology00000
BIOL 4540KBiotechnology00000
BIOL 4520KHerpetology00000
BIOL 4470KHuman Histology00000
BIOL 4460Marine Biology00000
BIOL 4435Immunology00000
BIOL 2901SEA-Phages Lab00000
BIOL 4030Ecotoxicology00000
BIOL 4000KEntomology00000
BIOL 3332KEcology Field Techniques00000
BIOL 3325KInvertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 3240KCell Biology00000
BIOL 3010KMycology00000
BIOL 2904Introduction to Biological Research00000
BIOL 2903Introduction to Biological Research00000
BIOL 4060Mechanisms of Disease00000
BIOL 2800Teaching Assistant in Biology00000
BIOL 2500Microbiology for Allied Health Professions00000
BIOL 2120KHuman Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIOL 1260Environmental Science00000
BIOL 1117LPrinciples of Bio I Lab STEM00000
BIOL 1108Principles of Biology II00000
BIOL 1107KPrinciples of Biology I00000
BIOL 1102Introduction to Ecology00000
BIOL 4480KDevelopmental Biology00000
BIOL 1108KPrinciples of Biology II00000
BIOL 1107Principles of Biology I00000
BIOL 1102LIntroduction to Ecology Lab00000
BIOL 1101LBiology-A Human Perspective Lab00000
BIOL 4926Environmental Solutions00000
BIOL 4917Biology Lab Assistant00000
BIOL 4901Internship in Biology00000
BIOL 4826Human Microbiome00000
BIOL 1101Biology-A Human Perspective00000
BIOL 4461Marine Biology Field Laboratory00000
BIOL 4450Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOL 4426Forest Ecology00000
BIOL 4380KEnvironmental Microbiology00000
BIOL 4340KPlant Physiology00000
BIOL 4310KPlant Taxonomy00000
BIOL 4126Epidemiology00000
BIOL 4080KOrnithology00000