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UNG Oconee Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Oconee

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 1151LSurvey of Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHEM 1152LSurvey of Chemistry II Laboratory00000
CHEM 1211Principles of Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1211HPrinciples of Chemistry I Honors00000
CHEM 1212Principles of Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2901LUndergraduate Research00000
CHEM 4916Laboratory Assistant00000
CHEM 1151Survey of Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1152Survey of Chemistry II00000
CHEM 1211KPriniciples of Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1211LPrinciples of Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHEM 1212HPrinciples of Chemistry II Honors00000
CHEM 1212LPrinciples of Chemistry II Laboratory00000
CHEM 2902LUndergraduate Research00000