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UNG Oconee Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Oconee

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 2112World Literature II00000
ENGL 2900Introduction to Literary Studies00000
ENGL 2270Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENGL 2230Intermediate Composition00000
ENGL 2160Multicultural American Literature00000
ENGL 2150Literature and Film00000
ENGL 2143African-American Literature00000
ENGL 2140Gender and Literature00000
ENGL 2135African American Literature00000
ENGL 2132American Literature II00000
ENGL 2132HHonors American Literature II00000
ENGL 2131American Literature I00000
ENGL 2121British Literature I00000
ENGL 0989Foundations for English Composition00000
ENGL 2111World Literature I00000
ENGL 1102English Composition II00000
ENGL 1101English Composition I00000
ENGL 0999Support for English Composition00000
ENGL 4960Internship00000
ENGL 2122British Literature II00000
ENGL 2115Gender and Literature00000
ENGL 2111HHonors World Literature I00000
ENGL 2050Standard English Grammar00000
ENGL 1102HHonors English Composition II00000
ENGL 1101HHonors English Composition I00000