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UNG Online Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Online

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 2510Introduction to Art History I00000
ART 4850Internship in Visual Art00000
ART 4550BA Senior Seminar00000
ART 4452Digital Media00000
ART 4450Graphic Design Internet00000
ART 3581Classical/Contemp Chinese Art00000
ART 3570Latin American and Latino Art00000
ART 3530Renaissance Art History00000
ART 3507History of Illustration and Sequential Art00000
ART 3501Professional Practices00000
ART 3450Introduction to Graphic Design00000
ART 2550Foundations Portfolio Review00000
ART 2450Introduction to Computer Graphics00000
ART 1100Art Appreciation00000
ART 4590Exhibition Practices00000
ART 4453Digital Illustration00000
ART 4451Graphic Design in Advertising00000
ART 3583Korean Art00000
ART 3575Oriental and Techno-Orient Art00000
ART 3510Art & Architecture of Ancient Greece & Rome00000
ART 3503History of Graphic Design00000
ART 3460Typography00000
ART 2520Introduction to Art History II00000