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UNG Online Course Reviews

University of North Georgia, Online

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCI 1250Information Technologies00000
CSCI 4900Independent Study00000
CSCI 4810Digital Information Processing00000
CSCI 4600Parallel Processing00000
CSCI 4200Programming Languages00000
CSCI 3800Introduction to UNIX00000
CSCI 3550Management of Information Security00000
CSCI 3410Databases00000
CSCI 3300Software Development00000
CSCI 3100Computer Organization/Architecture00000
CSCI 3000Web Programming00000
CSCI 2220Numerical Analysis & Computing00000
CSCI 1371Computing for Scientists and Engineers00000
CSCI 1302Computer Science II00000
CSCI 1301Computer Science I00000
CSCI 4950Senior Project00000
CSCI 4840Machine Learning00000
CSCI 4650Network Security00000
CSCI 4100Operating Systems and File Organization00000
CSCI 3660Mobile Application Development00000
CSCI 3450Intelligent Systems00000
CSCI 3350Computer Forensics00000
CSCI 3250Computer Security00000
CSCI 3050Information Security00000
CSCI 2520Discrete Structure & Computing00000
CSCI 2150Computer Ethics and Social Issues00000
CSCI 1411Script Programming00000