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UNH Course Reviews

University of New Hampshire

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 521Behavior Analysis44.33.73.73
NURS 535Death and Dying32551
PSYC 502Research Methods in Psychology33151
PSYC 561Abnormal Behavior55541
PSYC 581Child Development45331
CHE 501Intro Chemical Engineering I21241
CHE 502Intro Chemical Engineering II31241
PSYC 402Statistics in Psychology32441
CS 515Data Struct & Intro/Algorithms21221
ANSC 603Intro Livestock Mgmt00000
ADMN 700PAUL Assessm't Core Knowledge00000
ANSC 724Repro Mgt/Artificial Insemnatn00000
ANSC 510Integration Culture Ag Ireland00000
ADMN 410Management Information Systems00000
ANSC 641Principles Dressage Instructn00000
ACFI 702Investments Analysis00000
ANSC 808Ruminant Nutr Physiology00000
ADMN 842Project Management00000
ANTH 411WGlobal Perspectives:Intro Anth00000
ANTH 514Method & Theory in Archaeology00000
AAS 593Equine Field Operations00000
ACFI 726Intro to Federal Income Tax00000
ADMN 872Predictive Analytics00000
ANTH 650Anthropology of Migration00000
ANTH 700Internship00000
ACFI 799Honors Thesis00000
ADMN 940Managing Operations00000
ANSC 422Intro Horsemanship Theory00000
ACFI 895Govt & Non-Profit Accounting00000
ANSC 543Tech Writing Animal Sciences00000
ACFI 620Top/Advanced Auditing00000
ANSC 622Explorations/Horsemanship00000
ADMN 570Intro to Financial Management00000
ANSC 695Supervised Teaching Experience00000
AAS 558Anml Population Medicine/Mgt00000
ANSC 795WInv/Therapeutic Riding00000
ADMN 829Corporate Financial Strategy00000
ANSC 828Advanced Dairy Management II00000
ACFI 709Mortgage Banking& Fixed Income00000
ANTH 450Intro Race, Culture, and Power00000
ADMN 859Managing Technologic Innovatn00000
ANTH 612Applied Anthropology00000
AAS 451Human/Animal Bond00000
ANTH 695Global Population & Health00000
ADMN 903MBA Internship II00000
ANTH 785Dreams and Dreaming00000
ABM 404AIntroduction to Business I00000
ADMN 953Social Power Leadrship 21 Cent00000
ACFI 804Derivative Securities00000
ADMN 970Economics of Competition00000
AERO 301Leadership Laboratory00000
AAS 535Animal Nutrition00000
ACC 501Survey of Accounting00000
ACFI 807Equity Analysis00000
AERO 416Heritage&Values of the USAF II00000
AERO 671Lead People and Effect Comm I00000
ACFI 820Corporate Taxation00000
AERO 682NatSecAff/Prep for Act Duty II00000
ANSC 406Careers in Animal Science00000
ACFI 874Finance Experience00000
ANSC 500Equine Assisted Activities00000
ACC 727Financial Statement Analysis00000
ANSC 522Intermed. Horsemanship Theory00000
ACFI 898Master's Project00000
ANSC 548Agr Bus Mgmt00000
AAS 550Clin Animal Nursing Tech II00000
ANSC 612Genetics of Domestic Animals00000
ADMN 502Financial Accounting00000
ANSC 640Principles Riding Instruction00000
ACFI 640Top Fin I/Financial Planning00000
ANSC 650Dairy Industry Travel Course00000
ADMN 585Marketing00000
ANSC 708Ruminant Nutr Physiology00000
AAS 439BFund Animal Health Lab VTEC00000
ANSC 728Advanced Dairy Management II00000
ADMN 799Honors Thesis/Project00000
ANSC 797Equine Capstone Experience00000
ACFI 705Financial Institutions00000
ANSC 818Mammalian Physiology00000
ADMN 835Financial Institutions00000
ANSC 899Master's Thesis00000
AAS 577Canine Practicum00000
ANTH 415Human Evolution, Fossils & DNA00000
ADMN 847Human Resource Management00000
ANTH 510Animals, Identity, and Culture00000
ACFI 723Adv Mangrl Acct Concepts& Apps00000
ANTH 597Special Top/Dreams and Visions00000
ADMN 864New Product Development00000
ANTH 625Sexuality in Cross-Cultural00000
AAS 433Small Animal Grooming II00000
ANTH 680Africana Religions00000
ADMN 898Topics/Equity Analysis00000
ANTH 699Senior Thesis00000
ACFI 751Internships in Finance00000
AFAM 795Independent Study00000
ACC 721Inter. Fin. Acct. I00000
ACFI 835Governmental Accounting00000
AMST 444DHon/Long-Ago Behind Evrdy Life00000
ANFS 840Aquaponics00000
ACFI 850Accounting Theory and Research00000