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Union College Course Reviews

Union College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 291Biology Research Practicum00000
BIO 498Biology Honors Research 200000
BIO 490Biology Research 100000
BIO 380Biochm:MmbrnsNuclAcids w/Lab00000
BIO 380LBiochm: Mmbrns Nucl Acids Lab00000
BIO 378Cancer Cell Biology W/Lab00000
BIO 352LMicrobiology Lab00000
BIO 332Comp Vertebrate Anatomy w/Lab00000
BIO 324Plant Ecology W/ Lab00000
BIO 321LHerpetology:Amphibi & Rep Lab00000
BIO 321Herpetology:Amphib&Rep w/Lab00000
BIO 297HBiology Honors Ind Proj00000
BIO 296HBiology Honors Ind Project 200000
BIO 295HBiology Honors Ind Project 100000
BIO 292Biology Research Practicum 200000
BIO 103LDiversity of Life Lab00000
BIO 235LBiogeochemistry Lab00000
BIO 103Diversity of Life W/Lab00000
BIO 497Biology Honors Research 100000
BIO 488Topics: Organismal & Physiolo00000
BIO 378LCancer Cell Biology Lab00000
BIO 352Microbiology w/Lab00000
BIO 332LComp Vertebrate Anatomy Lab00000
BIO 324LPlant Ecology Lab00000
BIO 235Biogeochemistry W/ Lab00000
BIO 210Behavioral Neuroscience00000
BIO 206Topics in Physiology00000
BIO 205Topics in Molecular Biology00000
BIO 104LCellular Foundations Life Lab00000
BIO 104Cell Foundations Life W /Lab00000