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Union College Course Reviews

Union College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 108Scientific Computing00000
CSC 499CSC Capstone Design Project 200000
CSC 497CS Capstone Design Seminar00000
CSC 490Computer Sci Ind Study 100000
CSC 350Theory of Computing00000
CSC 296HComp Sci Honors Ind Project 200000
CSC 292CS Independent Study 300000
CSC 290CS Independent Study 100000
CSC 283CS Practicum 300000
CSC 281CS Practicum 100000
CSC 151Data Structures00000
CSC 118Computer and Logic Design00000
CSC 106Can Computers Think? W/Lab00000
CSC 103Taming Big Data00000
CSC 498CSC Capstone Design Project 100000
CSC 491Computer Sci Ind Study 200000
CSC 483Topic: Computer Vision00000
CSC 297HComputer Sci Hon Ind Proj00000
CSC 295HComp Sci Honors Ind Project 100000
CSC 291CS Independent Study 200000
CSC 282CS Practicum 200000
CSC 237Data Communications & Networks00000
CSC 120Programming on Purpose00000
CSC 118LComputer and Logic Design Lab00000