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Union College Course Reviews

Union College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSC 498Political Sci Senior Thesis 100000
PSC 499Political Sci Senior Thesis 200000
PSC 490Political Science Ind Study 100000
PSC 358Wealth & Power Among Nations00000
PSC 297HPol Sci Honors Ind. Proj00000
PSC 295HPol Sci Honors Ind Project 100000
PSC 273RSupreme Court & Judicial Pol00000
PSC 248RPolitics of the New Europe00000
PSC 223Critical Comparisons00000
PSC 112Intro Global Politics00000
PSC 111Intro to US Politics00000
PSC 359Sem: International Politics00000
PSC 341Genocide00000
PSC 296HPol Sci Honors Ind Project 200000
PSC 286The Modern Presidency00000
PSC 272Environ, Energy & U.S Politics00000
PSC 250Politics of Resistance00000
PSC 231Theories of Peace and War00000
PSC 113Intro to Political Thought00000