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Union College Course Reviews

Union College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOC 100Intro to Sociology00000
SOC 221School Social Work00000
SOC 295HSociology Honors Ind Project 100000
SOC 300Quantitative Social Research00000
SOC 498Sociology Senior Thesis 100000
SOC 203Social Psychology00000
SOC 225TSociology of Work00000
SOC 296HSociology Honors Ind Project 200000
SOC 374Mental Health & Society00000
SOC 212Amer Fam in Cross Cult Perspec00000
SOC 262Juvenile Delinquency00000
SOC 297HSociology Honors Indp Project00000
SOC 490Sociology Independent Study 100000
SOC 499Sociology Senior Thesis 200000