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UNLV Course Reviews

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CEE 250Sustainability in Civil and Environmental Engineering42451
CEE 756Advanced Waste Treatment Design00000
CEE 432Geological Engineering00000
CEE 410Highway Construction Materials00000
CEE 381Structural Analysis I00000
CEE 367Fluid Mechanics00000
CEE 340Introduction to Construction Engineering00000
CEE 301Cad Tools for Civil Engineering Design00000
CEE 225Cooperative Training I00000
CEE 799Dissertation Research00000
CEE 795Special Topics in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 791Independent Study in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 780Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures00000
CEE 435Foundations Engineering00000
CEE 751Water Reuse Principles and Design00000
CEE 744Design of Prestressed/Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures00000
CEE 734Advanced Soil Mechanics00000
CEE 731Pavement Materials and Design00000
CEE 725Freight Transportation00000
CEE 695Special Topics00000
CEE 676Earthquake Egineering for Structures00000
CEE 670High Speed Rail00000
CEE 661Introduction to Railroad Transportation00000
CEE 652Air Pollution Control Fundamentals00000
CEE 650Unit Operations & Processes in Env Engr00000
CEE 668Gis Applications in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 796Design Project in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 793Graduate Internship for PhD Civil & Environmental Engineerin...00000
CEE 785Construction Engineering Management00000
CEE 762Operations Research Applications in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 755Advanced Physicochemical Methods for Water Treatment00000
CEE 750Urban Runoff Quality and Control00000
CEE 741Design Of Highway Bridge Structures 3 Credits00000
CEE 732Advanced Foundation Engineering00000
CEE 727Transportation Safety00000
CEE 710Modular Construction00000
CEE 681Sustainable Construction for Infrastructure Projects00000
CEE 673Construction Scheduling for Infrastructure Projects00000
CEE 613Water Resources Engineering00000
CEE 662Railroad Engineering00000
CEE 654Solid & Hazardous Wastes Engr00000
CEE 651Environmental Water Chemistry and Analysis00000
CEE 644Steel Structural Design00000
CEE 632Geological Engineering00000
CEE 607Computer Applications in Environmental and Water Resources E...00000
CEE 495Special Topics00000
CEE 480Concrete Structure Design00000
CEE 470High Speed Rail00000
CEE 461Introduction to Railroad Transportation00000
CEE 451Environmental Water Chemistry and Analysis00000
CEE 476Earthquake Engineering for Structures00000
CEE 720Information and Sensing Technology in Construction00000
CEE 704Environmental & Water Systems00000
CEE 700Research Methods in Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CEE 680Concrete Structure Design00000
CEE 672Construction Estimating for Infrastructure Projects00000
CEE 663Traffic Engineering00000
CEE 655Chemical Processes for Water Quality Con00000
CEE 650LUnit Operation & Process Env Engr Lab00000
CEE 633Temporary Structures for Construction of Infrastructure Proj...00000
CEE 610Highway Construction Materials00000
CEE 499Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Registration00000
CEE 491Independent Study00000
CEE 730Foundations of Big Data Analytics for Infrastructure Applica...00000
CEE 472Construction Estimating00000
CEE 463Traffic Engineering00000
CEE 454Solid and Hazardous Wastes Engineering00000
CEE 452Air Pollution Control Fundamentals00000
CEE 444Steel Structural Design00000
CEE 425Cooperative Training III00000
CEE 409Engineering Project Management00000
CEE 371Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 346Civil Engineering Materials00000
CEE 325Cooperative Training II00000
CEE 298Project Management And Professional Practice00000
CEE 407Computer Applications in Environmental and Water Resources E...00000
CEE 241Statics00000
CEE 609Engineering Project Management00000
CEE 498Civil Engineering Capstone Design00000
CEE 481Sustainable Construction00000
CEE 473Construction Scheduling00000
CEE 468Gis Applications in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 462Railroad Engineering00000
CEE 455Water Treatment and Reuse00000
CEE 450Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering00000
CEE 433Temporary Construction Structures00000
CEE 413Water Resources Engineering I00000
CEE 635Foundations Engineering00000
CEE 370Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Bodies00000
CEE 362Transportation Engineering00000
CEE 334Soil Mechanics00000
CEE 307Engineering Economics00000
CEE 121Elementary Surveying00000
CEE 797Thesis in Civil Engineering00000
CEE 792Graduate Internship for Master in Civil Engineering and Tran...00000
CEE 775Seismic Response of Structures00000
CEE 754Biochemical Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals00000
CEE 747Introduction to Analysis and Design of Plates and Shells00000
CEE 736Earth Slopes and Retaining Structures00000