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UNM Course Reviews

University of New Mexico

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 130Cultures of the World00000
ANTH 553LPaleoecology Lab00000
ANTH 557Paleoanthropology00000
ANTH 562Human Life History00000
ANTH 572Science in Archaeology00000
ANTH 575Archaeology Field Session00000
ANTH 584Zooarchaeology00000
ANTH 592Managing Cultural Resources00000
ANTH 101Introduction to Anthropology00000
ANTH 548The Anthropology of Music and Sound00000
ANTH 151LHuman Evolution Laboratory00000
ANTH 230T: The Creation of Inequality00000
ANTH 317Phonological Analysis00000
ANTH 324South American Archaeology00000
ANTH 328Near Eastern Archaeology00000
ANTH 333Ritual Symbols and Behavior00000
ANTH 351LAnthropology of the Skeleton00000
ANTH 362Great Apes: Mind and Behavior00000
ANTH 459Advanced Osteology00000
ANTH 332Indigenous Peoples of South America00000
ANTH 350Human Biology00000
ANTH 363Primate Social Behavior00000
ANTH 375Archaeology Field Session00000
ANTH 395Paleoindians: Colonizing the Americas00000
ANTH 420T: CurrentResearchChacoCanyon00000
ANTH 450T: Human Physical Activity00000
ANTH 454Human Paleopathology00000
ANTH 373T: PaleoEthnoBotany00000
ANTH 480Ceramic Analysis00000
ANTH 486Practicum: Museum Methods00000
ANTH 501Native American Art I00000
ANTH 510T: Lang Cultr&Pol in the Andes00000
ANTH 523Quantitative Analysis in Archaeology00000
ANTH 528Near Eastern Archaeology00000
ANTH 532Indigenous Peoples of South America00000
ANTH 540T: Anthropology ofChristianity00000
ANTH 595Paleoindians: Colonizing the Americas00000
ANTH 554Human Paleopathology00000
ANTH 558Dental Anthropology00000
ANTH 563Primate Social Behavior00000
ANTH 564Human Behavioral Evolution00000
ANTH 573LArchaeological Measurement and Laboratory Analysis00000
ANTH 579Current Debates in Archaeology00000
ANTH 581The Anthropology of Heritage00000
ANTH 586Practicum: Museum Methods00000
ANTH 550T: Human Physical Activity00000
ANTH 599Master's Thesis00000
ANTH 662Great Apes: Mind and Behavior00000
ANTH 697Problems00000
ANTH 699Dissertation00000
ANTH 1135Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 1170LComputer Laboratory in Human Evolutionary Ecology00000
ANTH 1175LEvolution and Human Emergence Laboratory00000
ANTH 1996T: Principles of Evol Medicine00000
ANTH 502Center for Stable Isotopes Seminar00000
ANTH 399Introduction to Field and Laboratory Research00000
ANTH 410T: Lang Cultr&Pol in the Andes00000
ANTH 451Bioarcheology00000
ANTH 455Anthropological Genetics00000
ANTH 464Human Behavioral Evolution00000
ANTH 482LGeoarchaeology00000
ANTH 491Population Genetics00000
ANTH 497Individual Study00000
ANTH 325Stone Age Europe00000
ANTH 521Southwest Archaeology00000
ANTH 524South American Archaeology00000
ANTH 527African Prehistory00000
ANTH 529Archaeology of Complex Societies00000
ANTH 533Ritual Symbols and Behavior00000
ANTH 545Country Music and Cultural Politics00000
ANTH 546Theory in Ethnology I00000
ANTH 573T: PaleoEthnoBotany00000
ANTH 525Stone Age Europe00000
ANTH 530T: Shamanism & Pol Cosmology00000
ANTH 539Human Rights In Anthropology00000
ANTH 547Theory in Ethnology II00000
ANTH 552Primate Evolution00000
ANTH 555Anthropological Genetics00000
ANTH 560Adv T: Human Behavioral Ecol00000
ANTH 568Navajo Expressive Culture00000
ANTH 522Lithic Analysis00000
ANTH 582LGeoarchaeology00000
ANTH 591Population Genetics00000
ANTH 598Advanced Research00000
ANTH 651Bioarchaeology00000
ANTH 675Anthropological Research Proposals00000
ANTH 1115Introduction to Anthropology00000
ANTH 1140Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 1170Human Life00000
ANTH 376Maya Prehistory and Archaeology00000
ANTH 160Human Life Course00000
ANTH 251Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 318Grammatical Analysis00000
ANTH 321Southwest Archaeology00000
ANTH 327African Prehistory00000
ANTH 339Human Rights In Anthropology00000
ANTH 357Human Origins00000
ANTH 364T: Slavery And Freedom00000
ANTH 1211Archaeological Method and Theory00000
ANTH 401Native American Art I00000
ANTH 448The Anthropology of Music and Sound00000
ANTH 452Primate Evolution00000
ANTH 457Paleoanthropology00000
ANTH 468Navajo Expressive Culture00000
ANTH 484Zooarchaeology00000
ANTH 498Honors Seminar00000
ANTH 503Native American Art II00000
ANTH 698Advanced Research00000
ANTH 499Field Research00000
ANTH 570Adv T: CurrResearchChacoCanyon00000
ANTH 574History and Theory of Archaeology00000
ANTH 580Ceramic Analysis00000
ANTH 585Sem: NAGPRA and Museums00000
ANTH 597Problems00000
ANTH 645Evolution of Primate Behavior00000
ANTH 663Human Evolutionary Ecology Research Methods And Design00000
ANTH 485Sem: NAGPRA and Museums00000
ANTH 1135LIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ANTH 1155Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTH 1175Evolution and Human Emergence00000
ANTH 1211LArchaeological Method and Theory Laboratory00000
ANTH 2190CForensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 122LArchaeological Method and Theory Laboratory00000
ANTH 220World Archaeology00000
ANTH 310Language and Culture00000
ANTH 360Human Behavioral Ecology00000
ANTH 2175World Archaeology00000
ANTH 110Language, Culture and the Human Animal00000
ANTH 150Evolution and Human Emergence00000
ANTH 161LComputer Laboratory in Human Evolutionary Ecology00000
ANTH 304Current Research in Anthropology00000
ANTH 320Strategy of Archaeology00000
ANTH 330Principles of Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 340T: Shamanism & Pol Cosmology00000
ANTH 120Archaeological Method and Theory00000
ANTH 371Pre-Columbian Cultures of Ancient Mexico00000
ANTH 381The Anthropology of Heritage00000
ANTH 403Native American Art II00000
ANTH 445Country Music and Cultural Politics00000
ANTH 453LPaleoecology Lab00000
ANTH 458Dental Anthropology00000
ANTH 473LArchaeological Measurement and Laboratory Analysis00000