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UNO Course Reviews

University of New Orleans

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 2377The Bible as Literature32421
ENGL 1158English Composition45431
CHEM 2217Organic Chemistry I11131
SOC 2707Social Statistics I00000
GEOG 5805Fundamentals of Mapping and GIS00000
FTA 3511Equipment Lab00000
FREN 3031French Conversation00000
SOC 4875Sociology of Disaster00000
FTA 4550Cinematography00000
SOC 6816Seminar On Sexualities00000
FTA 5110Scene Design00000
FTA 6911Studio II00000
FTA 2320Script Analysis00000
HIST 4575The Cold War Era00000
FIN 6315Seminar in Investments00000
SOC 4080Perspectives on Women, Gender, & Sexuality00000
FTA 4300Advanced Voice for the Actor00000
SOC 5216Advanced Social Psychology00000
FA 6607Major Studio II00000
SPAN 3191Independent Work00000
FREN 3197Demonstration of Oral Proficiency00000
FA 7000Thesis Research00000
FTA 5140Costume Design00000
FREN 4202French Civilization II00000
FTA 5330Acting Styles00000
FTA 5540History of Cinema I00000
FTA 6510Narrative Film Production00000
FTA 1665Beginning Film Post Production00000
GEOG 2158Conservation00000
FIN 5310Personal Financial Planning00000
GER 3191Independent Work00000
FTA 3090Independent Study00000
QMBE 6280Mathematics in Financial Economics00000
FA 6604Major Studio II00000
SOC 3093Independent Work00000
FTA 4120Scene Painting00000
SOC 4107Sociology of Gender00000
FIN 6635Seminar in Financial and Economic Analysis for Real Estate00000
SOC 5103Racial Issues00000
FTA 4455Contemporary Theatre00000
SOC 5881The Urban Community00000
FA 5267Contemporary Art: Postmodernism and Beyond (1970-present)00000
SPAN 1002Basic Spanish II00000
FTA 4830Advanced Stage Movement00000
SPAN 3197Demonstration of Oral Proficiency00000
FA 6704Minor Studio00000
FTA 5125Development Of Style And Form00000
FREN 4015History Of The French Language00000
FTA 5251Advanced Screenwriting00000
FA 6501Major Studio I00000
FTA 5450Modern Theatre00000
FREN 5015History Of The French Language00000
FIN 2335Principles of Real Estate00000
FTA 5545Film Theory and Criticism00000
FREN 6003French "Commentaire De Texte"00000
FTA 5565Digital Theory And Application For Film And Video00000
FTA 5580Film Directing00000
FTA 6220Screenwriting for Production00000
FTA 1100Methods and Materials of Stagecraft00000
FTA 6580Directing the narrative film00000
FIN 3391Undergraduate Directed Individual Study00000
FTA 7040Examination or Report Only00000
FTA 2160Costume Crafts and Techniques00000
GEOG 4310Political Geography00000
FA 6602Major Studio II00000
GER 1001Basic German I00000
FTA 2565Introduction to Digital Technology00000
GER 3193Independent Work00000
FIN 6303Financial Markets and Institutions00000
PSYC 6101Fundamentals of Applied Developmental Psychology I00000
FTA 3460Introduction to Documentary Production00000
ROML 6005Romance Linguistics00000
FA 5235The Art Of Quattrocentro In Italy00000
SOC 2962Current Social Problems00000
FTA 4091Special Topics in Film and Theatre00000
SOC 3096Internship in Sociology00000
FIN 6391Directed Individual Studies00000
SOC 4101Social Organization00000
FTA 4150Development of Fashion00000
SOC 4216Advanced Social Psychology00000
FA 6606Major Studio II00000
SOC 4903Population Issues and Dynamics00000
FTA 4400Development of Theatre00000
SOC 5124Social Stratification00000
FREN 1001Basic French I00000
SOC 5875Sociology of Disaster00000
FTA 4540History of Cinema I00000
SOC 6396Independent Readings in Sociology00000
FA 4235The Art of Quattrocentro in Italy00000
SOC 7000Thesis Research00000
FTA 4566Sound I00000
SPAN 3031Spanish Conversation00000
FREN 3191Independent Work00000
FREN 6397Directed Study00000
FTA 5830Advanced Stage Movement00000
FTA 6005Graduate Studies Orientation00000
FTA 5091Special Topics in Film and Theatre00000
ENCE 6358Advanced Steel Design00000
FA 4281Modern/Postmodern00000
FA 6504Major Studio I00000