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UNO Course Reviews

University of New Orleans

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 3130Adult Development And Aging00000
PSYC 5365Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC 5550Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 6090Independent Research in Psychology00000
PSYC 6191Practicum in Applied Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 6550Psychopathology00000
PSYC 6630Autism and ADOS Assessment00000
PSYC 6801Fundamentals of Applied Biopsychology I00000
PSYC 7000Thesis Research00000
PSYC 7191Intership in Applied Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 1000General Psychology00000
PSYC 2110Child Psychology00000
PSYC 2310Introduction to Statistics for Behavioral Science00000
PSYC 3090Independent Research in Psychology00000
PSYC 5320Physiological Psychology00000
PSYC 4000Psychology Comprehensive Exam00000
PSYC 4320Physiological Psychology00000
PSYC 4365Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC 4550Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 5091Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC 5350Psychology of Learning00000
PSYC 5530Psychopathology00000
PSYC 5700Introduction To Personnel And Industrial Psychology00000
PSYC 6101Fundamentals of Applied Developmental Psychology I00000
PSYC 6312Advanced Statistics II00000
PSYC 6620Developmental Assessment of Psychopathology00000
PSYC 6895Advanced Seminar in Applied Biopsychology00000
PSYC 7050Dissertation Research00000
PSYC 6610The Measurement Of Intelligence00000
PSYC 2200Educational Psychology00000
PSYC 2520Drugs and Behavior00000
PSYC 3099Senior Honors Thesis00000
PSYC 3320Foundations of Biopsychology00000
PSYC 4091Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC 4350Psychology of Learning00000
PSYC 4530Psychopathology00000
PSYC 5010History of Modern Psychology00000
PSYC 5330Comparative Psychology00000
PSYC 5510Personality00000
PSYC 6050Seminar on Professional Problems00000
PSYC 6091Seminar00000
PSYC 6311Advanced Statistics I00000
PSYC 1520Human Sexual Behavior00000
PSYC 6891Practicum in Applied Biopsychology00000
PSYC 7040Examination or Report Only00000
PSYC 7891Internship in Applied Bioosychology00000
PSYC 1500The Psychology of Personal Adjustment00000
PSYC 2100Foundations of Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 2120Adolescent Psychology00000
PSYC 2400Social Psychology00000
PSYC 3095Field Experience in Applied Psychology00000
PSYC 3300Research Methods and Statistics00000
PSYC 4010History of Modern Psychology00000
PSYC 4330Comparative Psychology00000
PSYC 4510Personality00000
PSYC 4700Introduction To Personnel And Industrial Psychology00000