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UNT Course Reviews

University of North Texas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ASTU 2501Beginning Photography: Photo I55551
ASTU 2215Painting II00000
ASTU 3030Computer Applications in the Visual Arts00000
ASTU 3104Intermediate Ceramics: Molds and Multiples00000
ASTU 3160Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Adornment00000
ASTU 3201Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3205Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Experimental Approaches00000
ASTU 3403Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Plasticity00000
ASTU 3405Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Technology00000
ASTU 3505Intermediate Photography: Alternative Processes00000
ASTU 2050Beginning Ceramics00000
ASTU 2150Metalsmithing and Jewelry I00000
ASTU 2702Beginning New Media: Analog and Avant-Garde00000
ASTU 2350Sculpture I00000
ASTU 2455Introduction to Performance Art00000
ASTU 3120Fibers: Screen Printing00000
ASTU 3135Fibers: Alternative Processes00000
ASTU 3212Intermediate Painting II00000
ASTU 3280Photography, Sound and the Moving Image00000
ASTU 3315Printmaking : Monotype Printmaking00000
ASTU 3340Printmaking : Relief Printmaking00000
ASTU 5010Professional Practices for the Studio Artist00000
ASTU 4151Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio II00000
ASTU 4215Advanced Drawing Studio I00000
ASTU 4220Figure Painting Studio00000
ASTU 4270Alternate Photographic Processes00000
ASTU 4300Printmaking Studio00000
ASTU 4305Artist's Bookmaking00000
ASTU 4320Printmaking : Advanced Screen Printing00000
ASTU 4340Printmaking : Advanced Relief Printmaking00000
ASTU 4460Advanced New Media Art00000
ASTU 4051Advanced Ceramics Studio I00000
ASTU 5050Ceramics Studio00000
ASTU 5150Jewelry and Metalworking Studio00000
ASTU 5250Photography Studio00000
ASTU 5302Graduate Printmaking Remote Research00000
ASTU 5315Printmaking : Graduate Monotype00000
ASTU 5340Printmaking : Graduate Relief Printmaking00000
ASTU 2202Beginning Drawing and Painting: Painting II00000
ASTU 2502Beginning Photography: Photo II00000
ASTU 3504Intermediate Photography: Photography, Sound and the Moving Image00000
ASTU 2602Beginning Printmaking: Screen Printing00000
ASTU 2802Beginning Sculpture: Digital Methods00000
ASTU 3010Exploring Metalsmithing and Jewelry00000
ASTU 3103Intermediate Ceramics: Form, Function and the Body00000
ASTU 3155Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Plasticity00000
ASTU 3200Intermediate Figure Drawing00000
ASTU 3204Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Figure Painting00000
ASTU 3402Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Color and Surface00000
ASTU 3502Intermediate Photography: Darkroom Photography00000
ASTU 2402Beginning Jewelry00000
ASTU 3601Intermediate Printmaking: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3604Intermediate Printmaking: Monotype00000
ASTU 3703Intermediate New Media: Creative Coding00000
ASTU 3801Intermediate Sculpture: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3804Intermediate Sculpture: Art in Public00000
ASTU 4010Professional Practices for the Studio Artist00000
ASTU 4200Senior Drawing and Painting Studio00000
ASTU 4700Senior New Media Studio00000
ASTU 5000Topics in Studio Art00000
ASTU 4132Weaving II00000
ASTU 4143Surface Design III00000
ASTU 4210Advanced Painting Studio I00000
ASTU 4217Advanced Drawing Studio II00000
ASTU 4250Photography Studio00000
ASTU 4280Photography: Advanced Lighting Techniques00000
ASTU 4310Printmaking : Advanced Etching00000
ASTU 4330Printmaking : Advanced Lithography00000
ASTU 4450Topics in New Media Art00000
ASTU 4133Weaving III00000
ASTU 5015MFA Project In Lieu of Thesis Research00000
ASTU 5120Mixed Media00000
ASTU 5215Drawing Studio00000
ASTU 5305Artist's Bookmaking00000
ASTU 5330Printmaking : Graduate Lithography00000
ASTU 5350Sculpture Studio00000
ASTU 2045Digital Fabrication for Non Majors00000
ASTU 2201Beginning Drawing and Painting: Painting I00000
ASTU 3350Sculpture II00000
ASTU 2210Painting I00000
ASTU 2255Photography II00000
ASTU 2450Intro to New Media Art00000
ASTU 3050Intermediate Ceramics : Wheel Throwing00000
ASTU 3131Weaving I00000
ASTU 3141Surface Design I00000
ASTU 3270Darkroom Photography00000
ASTU 3310Printmaking: Etching00000
ASTU 3330Printmaking: Lithography00000
ASTU 2130Introduction to Weaving00000
ASTU 4053Advanced Ceramics Studio III00000
ASTU 4142Surface Design II00000
ASTU 4150Advanced Metalsmithing & Jewelry Studio I00000
ASTU 4212Advanced Painting Studio II00000
ASTU 4230Hybrid Forms00000
ASTU 4290Topics in Photography00000
ASTU 4302Undergraduate Printmaking Remote Research00000
ASTU 4315Printmaking : Advanced Monotype00000
ASTU 3503Intermediate Photography: Digital Imaging00000
ASTU 2300Introduction to Printmaking Techniques00000
ASTU 2701Beginning New Media: Time and Movement00000
ASTU 3000Interdisciplinary: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3101Intermediate Ceramics: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3105Intermediate Ceramics: Material Studies00000
ASTU 3165Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Technology00000
ASTU 3202Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Figure Drawing I00000
ASTU 3206Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Themes, Variations and Series00000
ASTU 3404Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Adornment00000
ASTU 4350Advanced Sculpture Studio00000
ASTU 3507Intermediate Photography: Field Photography00000
ASTU 3602Intermediate Printmaking: Intaglio00000
ASTU 3701Intermediate New Media: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3704Intermediate New Media: Performance and Electronic Media00000
ASTU 3802Intermediate Sculpture: Multiples and Monuments00000
ASTU 4000Topics in Studio Practice00000
ASTU 4400Senior Metalsmithing and Jewelry Studio00000
ASTU 4600Senior Printmaking Studio00000
ASTU 2250Photography I00000
ASTU 3603Intermediate Printmaking: Lithography00000
ASTU 3702Intermediate New Media: Net Art00000
ASTU 3705Intermediate New Media: Augmented and Virtual Reality Art00000
ASTU 3803Intermediate Sculpture: Installation Art00000
ASTU 4100Senior Ceramics Studio00000
ASTU 4500Senior Photography Studio00000
ASTU 4800Senior Sculpture Studio00000
ASTU 2120Introduction to Fibers00000
ASTU 2200Beginning Figure Drawing00000
ASTU 3506Intermediate Photography: Lighting Techniques00000
ASTU 2417Beginning Watercolor Painting00000
ASTU 3055Intermediate Ceramics : Handbuilding00000
ASTU 3210Intermediate Painting I00000
ASTU 3220Figure Painting I00000
ASTU 3305Artist's Bookmaking00000
ASTU 3320Printmaking: Screen Printing00000
ASTU 4050Advanced Ceramics Studio00000
ASTU 4052Advanced Ceramics Studio II00000
ASTU 2401Beginning Metalsmithing00000
ASTU 5001Praxis: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 5020MFA Project in Lieu of Thesis00000
ASTU 5130Fibers: Weaving Studio00000
ASTU 5210Painting Studio00000
ASTU 5300Printmaking Studio00000
ASTU 5310Printmaking : Graduate Etching00000
ASTU 5320Printmaking : Graduate Screenprint00000
ASTU 5450New Media Studio00000
ASTU 2102Beginning Ceramics: Throwing00000
ASTU 2101Beginning Ceramics: Handbuilding00000
ASTU 2601Beginning Printmaking: Relief00000
ASTU 2801Beginning Sculpture: Traditional Methods00000
ASTU 3102Intermediate Ceramics: Surface and Ornamentation00000
ASTU 3150Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Color and Surface00000
ASTU 3170Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Mechanisms and Multiples00000
ASTU 3203Intermediate Drawing and Painting: Figure Drawing II00000
ASTU 3401Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry: Rotating Topics00000
ASTU 3501Intermediate Photography: Rotating Topics00000