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UNT Course Reviews

University of North Texas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 4503Plant Physiology and Development53451
BIOL 5100Environmental Impact Assessment00000
BIOL 4751Neuroscience I: Cells and Circuits00000
BIOL 4800Biological Sciences Seminar Series00000
BIOL 4810Biocomputing00000
BIOL 4900Special Problems00000
BIOL 4950Honors Thesis in Biology00000
BIOL 4506Biology of Extreme Environments00000
BIOL 5040Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science and Ecology00000
BIOL 5053Subantarctic Biocultural Conservation00000
BIOL 5056Ornithology Lab00000
BIOL 5070Insect Biology00000
BIOL 4700Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction00000
BIOL 5130Biostatistics I00000
BIOL 5150Pharmacology00000
BIOL 5230Physiological Ecology00000
BIOL 5261Principles of Evolution Laboratory00000
BIOL 5300Physiological Ecology00000
BIOL 5340Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Gene00000
BIOL 5440Stream Ecology00000
BIOL 5502Bacterial Diversity and Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5570Aquatic Insects of North America00000
BIOL 5752Neuroscience II : Brain and Plasticity00000
BIOL 5840Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling00000
BIOL 4202Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3520Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3800Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 3996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
BIOL 4006Topics in Forensic Biology00000
BIOL 4051Community Ecology00000
BIOL 4054Tracing Darwin’s Path00000
BIOL 4057Mammalian Ecology and Evolution00000
BIOL 4085Fish Diversity and Ecology00000
BIOL 4100Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment00000
BIOL 4120Environmental Chemistry00000
BIOL 4170Advanced Techniques in Microbiology and Molecular Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5900Special Problems00000
BIOL 4240Forensic Microscopy00000
BIOL 4261Principles of Evolution Laboratory00000
BIOL 4280Aquatic Botany00000
BIOL 4320Integrative Molecular Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4375Molecular Toxicology00000
BIOL 4400Wetland Ecology and Management00000
BIOL 4460Eukaryotic Genetics00000
BIOL 4502Bacterial Diversity and Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4510Animal Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4540Virology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4580Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4501Bacterial Diversity and Physiology00000
BIOL 4091Parasitology00000
BIOL 4110Endocrinology00000
BIOL 4160Advanced Techniques in Microbiology and Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4190Techniques in Molecular Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4220Neuropsychopharmacology00000
BIOL 4230Cardio-respiratory Physiology00000
BIOL 4250Pharmacology: Biological Basis of Drug Action00000
BIOL 4300Histology00000
BIOL 4330Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 4380Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology00000
BIOL 4440Stream Ecology00000
BIOL 4070Insect Biology00000
BIOL 4504Plant Physiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4530Virology00000
BIOL 4570Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Gene00000
BIOL 4590Forensic Molecular Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4720Sediment Toxicology00000
BIOL 4760Neurobiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4805Biological Sciences Capstone Seminar00000
BIOL 4850Biology Laboratory Instruction00000
BIOL 4920Cooperative Education in Biological Sciences00000
BIOL 4940Honors Research in Biology00000
BIOL 2900Special Problems00000
BIOL 5910Special Problems00000
BIOL 6200Bioinstrumentation and Analytical Techniques00000
BIOL 6600Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6810Advanced Topics in Computational Life Science00000
BIOL 6950Doctoral Dissertation00000
BIOL 1132Environmental Science00000
BIOL 1711Honors Biology for Science Majors I00000
BIOL 1750Introductory Biology Research Laboratory I00000
BIOL 1761Honors Biology for Science Majors Laboratory00000
BIOL 2241Biology of Higher Plants00000
BIOL 2311Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory00000
BIOL 3381Medical Bacteriology00000
BIOL 3000Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates00000
BIOL 3160Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 3360Heredity Lab00000
BIOL 3451Genetics00000
BIOL 3510Cell Biology00000
BIOL 3850Introduction to Computational Life Science00000
BIOL 4000Plant Ecology00000
BIOL 4045Foundations of Ecological Theory00000
BIOL 4052Community Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4055Ornithology00000
BIOL 4752Neuroscience II: Brain and Plasticity00000
BIOL 4180Techniques in Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4201Immunology00000
BIOL 4221Experimental Methodologies in Neuropsychopharmacology00000
BIOL 4260Principles of Evolution00000
BIOL 4290Marine Biology00000
BIOL 4370General Toxicology00000
BIOL 4420Invertebrate Biology00000
BIOL 4480Medical Genetics00000
BIOL 4505Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 4560Aquatic Insects of North America00000
BIOL 4650Environmental Science Field Course00000
BIOL 4130Economic Botany00000
BIOL 4801Microbial Genetics00000
BIOL 4820Computational Epidemiology00000
BIOL 4910Special Problems00000
BIOL 4930Special Problems00000
BIOL 4951Honors College Capstone Thesis00000
BIOL 5002Topic Microbiol00000
BIOL 5051Community Ecology00000
BIOL 5054Tracing Darwin's Path00000
BIOL 5375Molecular Toxicology00000
BIOL 5501Bacterial Diversity and Physiology00000
BIOL 5503Plant Physiology and Development00000
BIOL 3350Human Heredity00000
BIOL 1142Microbes and Society00000
BIOL 1720Biology for Science Majors II00000
BIOL 1755Introductory Biology Research Laboratory II00000
BIOL 2041Microbiology00000
BIOL 2140Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL 2251Biodiversity and Conservation of Animals00000
BIOL 2302Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIOL 2700Human Evolution and Physical Anthropology00000
BIOL 2996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
BIOL 3080Physiological Bases of Exercise and Sport00000
BIOL 3170Plants and Human Society00000
BIOL 5751Neuroscience I : Cells and Circuits00000
BIOL 3382Medical Bacteriology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3500Medical Terminology00000
BIOL 3770Biotechnology00000
BIOL 3900Advanced Research in Life Sciences00000
BIOL 4005Contemporary Topics in Biology00000
BIOL 4050Animal Ecology00000
BIOL 4053Introduction to Subantarctic Biocultural Conservation00000
BIOL 4056Ornithology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4080Radiation Safety00000
BIOL 4092Parasitology Laboratory00000
BIOL 1722Honors Biology for Science Majors II00000
BIOL 5810BioComputing00000
BIOL 5860Biological Sciences Seminar Series00000
BIOL 5905Special Problems00000
BIOL 5930Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis00000
BIOL 6341Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment00000
BIOL 6620Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 6900Special Problems00000
BIOL 6940Individual Research00000
BIOL 1000Discover Life Science00000
BIOL 1112Contemporary Biology00000
BIOL 1710Biology for Science Majors I00000
BIOL 5580Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIOL 1760Biology for Science Majors Laboratory00000
BIOL 2042Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2141Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2301Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIOL 2312Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory00000
BIOL 2910Special Problems00000
BIOL 3030Careers in the Life Sciences00000
BIOL 3150Conservation Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3331Biomedical Criminalistics00000
BIOL 1082Biology for Educators00000
BIOL 5057Mammalian Ecology and Evolution00000
BIOL 5820Computational Epidemiology00000
BIOL 5870Developmental Integrative Biology Seminar00000
BIOL 5920Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis00000
BIOL 5950Master's Thesis00000
BIOL 6390Techniques in Environmental Analysis00000
BIOL 6710Signaling Mechanism in Plants00000
BIOL 6910Special Problems00000
BIOL 4030Physiological Ecology00000
BIOL 5005Topics In Biology00000
BIOL 5052Community Ecology Laboratory00000
BIOL 5055Ornithology00000
BIOL 3452Genetics Laboratory00000
BIOL 5085Fish Diversity and Ecology00000
BIOL 5110Endocrinology.00000
BIOL 5140Biostatistics II00000
BIOL 5220Neuropsychopharmacology00000
BIOL 5260Principles of Evolution00000
BIOL 5290Marine Biology00000
BIOL 5330Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 5370General Toxicology00000
BIOL 5380Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology00000
BIOL 5505Comparative Animal Physiology00000