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UNT Course Reviews

University of North Texas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 1310College Writing I4522.52
ENGL 1320College Writing II55341
ENGL 4841Studies in Modern Irish Literature00000
ENGL 4800Special Seminar in Literature or Language00000
ENGL 4845Studies in Contemporary American Literature00000
ENGL 4910Special Problems00000
ENGL 2400Literature, Media, and Popular Culture00000
ENGL 3846Mexican American Non-Fiction and Criticism00000
ENGL 5030Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture00000
ENGL 5162Creative Writing : Creative Nonfiction00000
ENGL 5320Studies in Composition Theory00000
ENGL 5500Studies in American Literature and Culture from the Beginnin...00000
ENGL 5530Studies in American Literature and Culture, 1914 to the Pres...00000
ENGL 5560Studies in the Teaching of Literature00000
ENGL 5640Mexican American Literature and Theory, After 195400000
ENGL 5740Advanced Studies in Literature and Film00000
ENGL 5810Survey of Critical Theory00000
ENGL 5910Special Problems00000
ENGL 5950Master's Thesis00000
ENGL 6590Seminar in the Novel00000
ENGL 6900Special Problems00000
ENGL 6944Directed Research00000
ENGL 4255Mexican American Non-Fiction and Criticism00000
ENGL 3840American Literature 1870 to the Present00000
ENGL 3847American Realism00000
ENGL 3910Special Studies in Literature00000
ENGL 3913Topics in World Literature00000
ENGL 3996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
ENGL 4120Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing00000
ENGL 4185Advanced Academic Writing00000
ENGL 4210Advanced Studies in Writing00000
ENGL 4240Writing Center Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 1315Writing About Literature I00000
ENGL 4290World Drama00000
ENGL 4400American Fiction00000
ENGL 4430Shakespeare00000
ENGL 4433Studies in Restoration and 18th Century British Literature00000
ENGL 4450Special Studies in a Single or Dual Author(s)00000
ENGL 4600Continental European Fiction00000
ENGL 4630Studies in Literature and Medicine00000
ENGL 4660Literature and the Holocaust00000
ENGL 4680Game Narratives as Literature00000
ENGL 4470British Drama00000
ENGL 4100Advanced Fiction Writing00000
ENGL 4130Literary Editing and Publishing00000
ENGL 4195Advanced Grammar and Usage00000
ENGL 4220Contemporary North American Indigenous Literature00000
ENGL 4250Latinx Literature00000
ENGL 4260African American Literature00000
ENGL 4310Contemporary Drama00000
ENGL 4420Poetry00000
ENGL 4432Studies in Renaissance Literature00000
ENGL 4435Studies in Victorian Literature00000
ENGL 3920Ethnic American Literatures00000
ENGL 4500British Fiction00000
ENGL 4620Studies in Literature and Film00000
ENGL 4650Literature and the Environment00000
ENGL 4670Gender and Sexuality in Literature00000
ENGL 4760Specialized Expository Writing00000
ENGL 4832Studies in 19th-Century American Literature00000
ENGL 4844Studies in American Modernism00000
ENGL 4850Literature in Context00000
ENGL 4951Honors College Capstone Thesis00000
ENGL 3434British Renaissance Drama00000
ENGL 2100Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENGL 2321British Literature00000
ENGL 2341Forms of Literature00000
ENGL 2900Special Problems00000
ENGL 3000Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation Skills00000
ENGL 3150Beginning Poetry Writing00000
ENGL 3210Studies in Writing00000
ENGL 3430British Literature to 178000000
ENGL 3432Introduction to Late Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 3832Nineteenth-Century American Poetry00000
ENGL 3435British Renaissance Poetry00000
ENGL 3440British Anglophone Literature 1780 to the Present00000
ENGL 3442Introduction to Victorian Literature00000
ENGL 3500Narrative and Story Development in Game Writing00000
ENGL 3831Introduction to the Literature of the Colonial Americas00000
ENGL 3833The American Renaissance00000
ENGL 3845Nineteenth-Century Literature of the U.S.-American West00000
ENGL 3850The Literature of Texas and the Southwest00000
ENGL 3911Topics in British Literature00000
ENGL 4900Special Problems00000
ENGL 4431Studies in Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 4434Studies in Romantic Literature00000
ENGL 4440Milton00000
ENGL 4480American Drama00000
ENGL 4610Children’s and Young Adult Literature00000
ENGL 4640Studies in Literature and Science00000
ENGL 4665Studies in Science Fiction00000
ENGL 4700Instruction and Assessment in English Language Arts00000
ENGL 4831Studies in the Literature of the Eighteenth-Century Americas00000
ENGL 4842Studies in British Modernism00000
ENGL 4410Chaucer00000
ENGL 4920Cooperative Education in English00000
ENGL 2420Gender and Sexuality in Literature00000
ENGL 2800Introduction to Games and Play00000
ENGL 3922Chicano Literature00000
ENGL 5100Studies in British Literature and Culture of the Romantic Pe...00000
ENGL 5145Form and Theory: Prose00000
ENGL 5250Studies in British Literature and Culture of the Eighteenth...00000
ENGL 5410Studies in the British Renaissance00000
ENGL 5540Studies in Twentieth-Century British or Irish Literature and...00000
ENGL 3900Career Advancement for English Majors00000
ENGL 1321Honors Composition II00000
ENGL 2210Survey of World Literatures from Antiquity to 170000000
ENGL 2326American Literature00000
ENGL 2331World Literature00000
ENGL 2600Introduction to American Studies00000
ENGL 2996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
ENGL 3110Academic Writing in the Humanities00000
ENGL 3160Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing00000
ENGL 3843Twentieth- and Twenty-first–Century American Poetry00000
ENGL 5600Studies in European Literature and Culture00000
ENGL 3912Topics in American Literature00000
ENGL 3924Women’s Literature00000
ENGL 4110Advanced Poetry Writing00000
ENGL 4150Literary Criticism00000
ENGL 4200Studies in Modern Rhetoric00000
ENGL 4230Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing Studies00000
ENGL 4245Postcolonial Literature and Theory00000
ENGL 4270Modern Jewish Literature00000
ENGL 4300Modern Drama00000
ENGL 2910Special Problems00000
ENGL 5820Creative Writing: Prose Fiction00000
ENGL 5930Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis (Original Scholarly Pape...00000
ENGL 6530Seminar in American Literature and Culture, 1865 to the Pres...00000
ENGL 6820Topics in Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 6941Directed Research00000
ENGL 6950Doctoral Dissertation00000
ENGL 1325Writing About Literature II00000
ENGL 2220Survey of World Literatures from 1700 to the Present00000
ENGL 2351Mexican American Literature00000
ENGL 5760Scholarly and Critical Writing00000
ENGL 3140Beginning Fiction Writing00000
ENGL 3200Rhetorical History and Historiography00000
ENGL 3360Classical Literature and Mythology00000
ENGL 3431Introduction to Early Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 3433Medieval Women Writers00000
ENGL 3436Introduction to Eighteenth-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 3441Introduction to Romantic Literature00000
ENGL 3450Short Story00000
ENGL 3830American Literature to 187000000
ENGL 3921African American Literature00000
ENGL 5650United States Ethnic Literature and Culture00000
ENGL 5730Literature and the Environment00000
ENGL 5800Studies in Literary Genres00000
ENGL 5900Special Problems00000
ENGL 6500Seminar in American Literature and Culture to 186500000
ENGL 6910Special Problems00000
ENGL 6942Directed Research00000
ENGL 2221Survey of World Literatures from 1700 to the Present00000
ENGL 2440Banned Books and Literary Scandals00000
ENGL 1311Honors Composition I00000
ENGL 5020Chaucer : Major Works00000
ENGL 5140Form and Theory: Poetry00000
ENGL 5200Studies in British Literature and Culture of the Victorian P...00000
ENGL 5400Studies in Shakespeare00000
ENGL 5420Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ENGL 5510Studies in American Literature and Culture, 1800 to 186500000
ENGL 5550Studies in the Teaching of Composition00000
ENGL 5620Studies in Contemporary African American Literature and Cult...00000
ENGL 5680Studies in Global Literature and Culture00000