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UNT Course Reviews

University of North Texas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 1710Earth Science55441
GEOG 4060Applied GIS: MapInfo Professional®00000
GEOG 4920Cooperative Education in Geography00000
GEOG 4885Human Geography Topics00000
GEOG 4750Surface Water Hydrology00000
GEOG 4570Special Topics in GIS00000
GEOG 4530Digital Image Analysis00000
GEOG 4400Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 4245Geography of International Development00000
GEOG 4220Applied Retail Geography00000
GEOG 4185Statistical Research Methods in Geography00000
GEOG 4150Epidemiological Research Methods in Spatial Perspective00000
GEOG 4115Our Energy Futures00000
GEOG 3760Geography of China: Environment and Society00000
GEOG 4040Ghana Field School00000
GEOG 3780Geography of Mexico00000
GEOG 3750Geography of Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa00000
GEOG 3500Introduction to Geographic Information Systems00000
GEOG 3200Sustainability00000
GEOG 3010Economic Geography00000
GEOG 2180Geosystems, Environment and Society00000
GEOG 5920Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis00000
GEOG 5750Surface Water Hydrology00000
GEOG 2170Culture, Environment and Society00000
GEOG 4960Geography Institute00000
GEOG 4910Special Problems00000
GEOG 4875Earth Science Topics00000
GEOG 4590Advanced GIS Programming00000
GEOG 4560Introduction to Python Programming00000
GEOG 4420Capitalism, Nature and Climate Change00000
GEOG 4350Geomorphology00000
GEOG 4240Meteorology00000
GEOG 4195Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualization00000
GEOG 2996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
GEOG 5580Advanced GIS Methods in Health00000
GEOG 1500Geospatial Technology and Urban Environments00000
GEOG 5800Research Design and Geographic Applications00000
GEOG 5570Special Topics in GIS00000
GEOG 5525LiDAR Data Analysis in GIS00000
GEOG 5420Critical Resource Geography00000
GEOG 5350Geomorphology00000
GEOG 5245International Development00000
GEOG 5195Advanced Geospatial Data Analytics00000
GEOG 5170Field Methods00000
GEOG 5130Research in Human Geography00000
GEOG 4120Medical Geography00000
GEOG 4951Honors College Capstone Thesis00000
GEOG 4900Special Problems00000
GEOG 4800Geography Capstone00000
GEOG 4580GIS in Health00000
GEOG 4550Advanced Geographic Information Systems00000
GEOG 4410Location-Allocation Modeling00000
GEOG 4250Climatology00000
GEOG 4230Location Intelligence: Business GIS Concepts and Applications00000
GEOG 4210Urban Geography00000
GEOG 4170Mapping and Field Methods00000
GEOG 4525Using LiDAR Data in GIS00000
GEOG 4070China Field School00000
GEOG 4050Cartography and Graphics00000
GEOG 4030British Isles Field School00000
GEOG 3996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
GEOG 3770Latin America: Geography and Globalization00000
GEOG 3600Political Geography00000
GEOG 3420Applied Biogeography00000
GEOG 3100United States and Canada: Economies, Cities and Sustainability00000
GEOG 2900Special Problems00000
GEOG 2110Foundations of Geographic Research00000
GEOG 5900Special Problems00000
GEOG 5550Advanced Geographic Information System00000
GEOG 5510GIS for Applied Research00000
GEOG 5300Globalization, Conflict, and Resistance00000
GEOG 5240Meteorology00000
GEOG 5210Seminar in Urban Geography00000
GEOG 5160Foundations of Geographic Thought00000
GEOG 5050Cartography and Graphics00000
GEOG 3000Geo-literacy: Thinking in Space00000
GEOG 5960Geography Institute00000
GEOG 5950Master's Thesis00000
GEOG 1200Global Societies00000
GEOG 5590Advanced GIS Programming00000
GEOG 5560Application Development with Python Programming00000
GEOG 5530Digital Image Analysis00000
GEOG 5430Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 5360Applied Paleozoology in Conservation Science00000
GEOG 5250Climatology00000
GEOG 5230Location Intelligence: Advanced Business GIS Concepts and Ap...00000
GEOG 5220Applied Retail Geography00000
GEOG 5185Statistical Research Methods in Geography00000
GEOG 5140Medical Geography00000