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UNT Course Reviews

University of North Texas

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUAG 1107Guitar Class00000
MUAG 4420Harpsichord Literature and Pedagogy00000
MUAG 4380Organ Literature and Pedagogy00000
MUAG 4350Repair and Maintenance of Musical Instruments00000
MUAG 4300Science and Pedagogy of Singing00000
MUAG 4210Vocal Literature00000
MUAG 4160Elementary Piano Pedagogy00000
MUAG 4000Advanced Choral Techniques00000
MUAG 3820Choral Conducting00000
MUAG 3250Techniques of Piano Accompanying00000
MUAG 2900Special Problems00000
MUAG 1906French Diction00000
MUAG 1500Occupational Health – Lessons from Music00000
MUAG 1221Strings Class00000
MUAG 1125Flute and Saxophone Methods00000
MUAG 4711Keyboard Senior Recital Capstone00000
MUAG 1013Keyboard Skills for Music Majors00000
MUAG 1002Piano Class for Non-Music Majors00000
MUAG 6910Special Problems00000
MUAG 6850Advanced Score Reading and Interpretation (Band and/or Orche...00000
MUAG 6370Instrumental Literature00000
MUAG 6290Vocal Literature00000
MUAG 6260Piano Literature00000
MUAG 5890Topics in Music Performance and Pedagogy00000
MUAG 5860Symphonic Literature of the Wind Band I -- Ancient through C...00000
MUAG 5815Symphonic Literature I00000
MUAG 5811Choral Literature II00000
MUAG 5810Choral Literature I00000
MUAG 5702Master's Recital00000
MUAG 1202Low Brass Methods00000
MUAG 4951Honors College Capstone Thesis00000
MUAG 4890Seminar in Performance and Repertoire00000
MUAG 4720Organ Service Playing I00000
MUAG 4700Senior Recital00000
MUAG 4360Instrumental Pedagogy and Repertoire00000
MUAG 4225Oratorio Repertoire and Practicum00000
MUAG 4170Intermediate Piano Pedagogy00000
MUAG 4001Student Teaching in Studio Piano00000
MUAG 3800Fundamentals of Conducting00000
MUAG 3260Piano Literature00000
MUAG 3230Keyboard Improvisation00000
MUAG 1909Italian Diction00000
MUAG 1225Clarinet, Oboe and Bassoon Methods00000
MUAG 5660Studies in Opera Repertoire00000
MUAG 1121Strings Class00000
MUAG 1102High Brass Methods00000
MUAG 1012Keyboard Skills for Music Majors00000
MUAG 1001Piano Class for Non-Music Majors00000
MUAG 6270Piano Literature00000
MUAG 5900Special Problems00000
MUAG 5861Symphonic Literature of the Wind Band II-French Revolution t...00000
MUAG 5220Advanced Singing-Acting Techniques00000
MUAG 5200Piano Literature00000
MUAG 5160Elementary Piano Pedagogy00000
MUAG 5000Choral Techniques00000
MUAG 4900Special Problems00000
MUAG 4730Organ Service Playing II00000
MUAG 4310Science and Pedagogy of Singing00000
MUAG 5270Piano Collaboration (Instrumental)00000
MUAG 5261Vocal Repertoire Master Class00000
MUAG 5225Oratorio Repertoire and Practicum00000
MUAG 5210Vocal Literature00000
MUAG 5170Intermediate Piano Pedagogy00000
MUAG 5001Student Teaching in Studio Piano00000
MUAG 3500Occupational Health - Lessons from Music00000
MUAG 4910Special Problems00000
MUAG 4740Seminar in Church Music00000
MUAG 4712Voice Senior Recital Capstone00000
MUAG 4710Instrumental Studies Senior Recital Capstone00000
MUAG 4410Harpsichord Literature and Pedagogy00000
MUAG 4370Instrumental Pedagogy and Repertoire00000
MUAG 5275Survey of Instrumental Collaborative Literature with Piano00000
MUAG 4220Fundamentals of Singing-Acting Techniques00000
MUAG 4200Video Games: Behind the Screens00000
MUAG 4002Student Teaching in Group Piano00000
MUAG 3870Instrumental Conducting00000
MUAG 3270Piano Literature00000
MUAG 3240Techniques of Piano Accompanying00000
MUAG 2996Honors College Mentored Research Experience00000
MUAG 1907German Diction00000
MUAG 1905English Diction for Singers00000
MUAG 1224Voice Class for Music Majors00000
MUAG 1124Voice Class for Non-Music Majors00000
MUAG 1117Percussion Class00000
MUAG 1014Keyboard Skills for Music Majors00000
MUAG 6360Instrumental Literature00000
MUAG 5640Operatic Acting00000
MUAG 5600Advanced Science and Pedagogy of Singing00000
MUAG 5560Advanced Piano Pedagogy and Musicianship00000
MUAG 5360Instrumental Pedagogy and Repertoire00000
MUAG 5300Science and Pedagogy of Singing00000
MUAG 5271Instrumental Repertoire Master Class00000
MUAG 5260Collaborative Piano Techniques00000
MUAG 5215Advanced Vocal Diction00000
MUAG 5201Piano Literature00000
MUAG 5002Student Teaching in Group Piano00000
MUAG 1101Introduction to Winds and Percussion Methods00000
MUAG 6900Special Problems00000
MUAG 6380Organ Literature00000
MUAG 1011Keyboard Skills for Music Majors00000
MUAG 6280Vocal Literature00000
MUAG 5910Special Problems00000
MUAG 5850Advanced Instrumental Conducting00000
MUAG 5820Symphonic Literature II00000
MUAG 5812Choral Literature III00000
MUAG 5805Fundamentals of Conducting00000
MUAG 5800Advanced Choral Conducting00000
MUAG 5701Master's Recital00000
MUAG 5650Opera Stage Direction00000
MUAG 5610Comparative Pedagogy of Singing00000
MUAG 5570Comparative Piano Pedagogy and Repertoire00000
MUAG 5550Basso Continuo00000
MUAG 5350Repair and Maintenance of Musical Instruments00000