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UO Course Reviews

University of Oregon

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 347Archaeo Ancient Cities >2 >IC00000
ANTH 689Social Theory II00000
ANTH 119Anthropology & Aliens >200000
ANTH 150World Archaeology >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 163Origin of Storytelling >3 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 173Evol Human Sexuality >3 >GP >IP00000
ANTH 220Intro Nutritional Anth >3 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 250Intro to Middle East >2 >IC00000
ANTH 278Science, Race, Society >3 >AC >US00000
ANTH 315Gend/Folk/Inequality >2 >GP >IP00000
ANTH 329Immigrat & Farmworkers >2 >IP >US00000
ANTH 331Culture India & S Asia >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 344Oregon Archaeology >2 >AC >US00000
ANTH 688Social Theory I00000
ANTH 362Human Biol Variation >3 >GP >IP00000
ANTH 366Human Osteology Lab00000
ANTH 400MIndigenous Wm/Latin Am00000
ANTH 420Culture Illness & Heal >GP >IC00000
ANTH 429Jewish Folklore & Ethn >GP >IP00000
ANTH 443North American Archaeo >IP >US00000
ANTH 456Peopling Americas00000
ANTH 479Taphonomy00000
ANTH 510Regarding Remains00000
ANTH 529Jewish Folklore & Ethn00000
ANTH 543North American Archaeo00000
ANTH 611Ethnographic Research00000
ANTH 365Food and Culture00000
ANTH 145Princ of Archaeology >300000
ANTH 161Intro Cultural Anth >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 165Sexuality & Culture >2 >GP >IP00000
ANTH 176Intro to Forensic Anth >300000
ANTH 224MIntro African Diaspora >2 >GP >IP00000
ANTH 274Animals and People >3 >IC00000
ANTH 310Top SE Asian Archaeo00000
ANTH 320Native North Americans >2 >IP00000
ANTH 330Hunters & Gatherers >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 342Arch Egypt & Near East >2 >Ic00000
ANTH 346Archaeology SE Asia >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 349Origins of Art >3 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 114Anth Pirates & Piracy >2 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 369Human Growth & Devel >300000
ANTH 410Native Oregonians00000
ANTH 413Culture & Psychology >IC00000
ANTH 427MLatino Roots I00000
ANTH 434Native South Americans >IC00000
ANTH 453African Archaeology00000
ANTH 473Adv Forensic Anthropol00000
ANTH 500MIndigenous Wm/Latin Am00000
ANTH 527MLatino Roots I00000
ANTH 534Native South Americans00000
ANTH 553African Archaeology00000