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UofM Course Reviews

University of Memphis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 2010Intro to Macroeconomics33342
MATH 1420Foundations of Mathematics14111
MECH 1310Intro/Mechanical Engineering43441
PHIL 1102Intro to Ethics45431
ENGR 1010Engineering Problem Solving53451
MATH 1910Calculus I32231
ARCH 4715Design Studio 500000
ANTH 4415Anthropology Human Rights00000
ARCH 7930Architecture Research00000
ARMY 3100Leadership Laboratory00000
AERO 2212Team & Leader Fundamentals II00000
ANTH 6220Cultural Perspec/Environment00000
ART 1045Drawing I00000
ARCH 3421Environmental Systems00000
ANTH 4010Ethnographic Methods00000
ARCH 7012Advanced Design Seminar 200000
ADVR 3324Creative Strategy00000
ARMY 1300Agile and Adaptive Leadership00000
ANTH 4660Museum Collections00000
ARMY 4100Advanced Leadership Laboratory00000
ACCT 6250Accounting Ethics/Regulation00000
ART 2352Intro Intaglio/Lithography00000
AERO 4412Prep for Active Duty00000
ANTH 6521Culture, Soc & Mental Health00000
ANTH 6800Study Abroad: Conservation, Culture and Environmental Change...00000
ACCT 7242Advanced Auditing00000
AGRI 1020Into to Animal Science00000
ANTH 7076ANTH Analysis/Writing00000
ARCH 2712Design Studio 200000
ANTH 3203Anthropology of Popular Music00000
ARCH 4231Issues in City Building00000
ACCT 8720Acct Research Judgmt/Decision00000
ARCH 6421Sustainable Design00000
ANTH 4301Archaeology of the Americas00000
ARCH 7232Advanced Issues City Building00000
ACCT 4910Problems in Accounting00000
ARMY 1100Leadership Laboratory00000
ANTH 4510Health/Culture/Environ Justice00000
ARMY 2200Leadership and Decision Making00000
ADVR 6326Advertising Research00000
ARMY 3201Warfighting Funct/Training Lab00000
ANTH 4985Direct Ind Research00000
ARMY 4201The Army Officer Lab00000
ACCT 3130Legal/Social/Political Environ00000
ART 2213Typographic Design I00000
ANTH 6418Anthropology of Organizations00000
ART 2701Photography I00000
ACCT 7080Financial/Managerial Acct Mgrs00000
ANTH 6660Museum Collections00000
AGRI 1010Introduction to Agribusiness00000
ANTH 6992Design Anthropology00000
ACCT 4020Accounting Info Technology00000
ANTH 7250Comm Culture Evaluation00000
AGRI 1030Introduction to Plant Science00000
ANTH 7521Biocultural Epidemiolgy00000
ANTH 7662Museums & Communities00000
ACCT 7510Tax Research & Theory00000
ANTH 1200Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 7980Directed Indiv Research00000
ARCH 2611Computer Apps in Design 100000
ANTH 3200Culture/Change Around World00000
ARCH 3222Contemporary Architecture 100000
ACCT 8610Seminar/Audit Research00000
ARCH 3713Design Studio 300000
ANTH 3300Rise To Civilization00000
ARCH 4441Construction Documents00000
ACCT 4320Mgr Decision Making/ACCT00000
ARCH 4811Parameters Architecture Studio00000
ANTH 4111Evolution and Human Health00000
ARCH 6833Architectural Illustration00000
ADVR 3300Intro to Advertising Honors00000
ARCH 7031Research and Training00000
ANTH 4352Archaeology/orld Prehistory00000
ARCH 7512Urbanism/Suburban Rev Studio00000
ACCT 2341Cost Accounting00000
ARCH 7996Architecture Thesis Studio00000
ANTH 4418Anthropology of Organizations00000
ARMY 1120Intro to Tactical Leadership00000
ADVR 4327Media Planning00000
ARMY 2115Leadership Laboratory00000
ANTH 4531Alcohol/Drugs/Culture00000
ARMY 2201Ldrship and Decision Lab00000
ACCT 6130Intermediate Accounting III00000
ARMY 3115Advanced Leadership Laboratory00000
ANTH 4800Study Abroad: Conservation, Culture and Environmental Change...00000
ARMY 3205History of Military Tactics00000
AERO 1111Heritage&Values of the USAF I00000
ARMY 4121Leadership in Complex World00000
ANTH 4991ST:Conservation,Culture,Enviro00000
ART 1030Intro to Art00000
AAAS 4992ST:Slavery and the Bible00000
ART 1215Foundations Studio II00000
ANTH 6415Anthropology Human Rights00000
ART 2301Digital Art I00000
AERO 3312Leading People/EffectiveCom II00000
ARAB 1010Elementary Arabic I00000
ANTH 1430Prehistoric Archaeology00000
ARAB 2020Intermediate Arabic II00000
ARCH 1113Design Visualization00000
ANTH 6510Health/Culture/Environ Justice00000