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UofM Course Reviews

University of Memphis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 3210Graphic Des Candidacy Review00000
ART 7710Indep Studies B/W Photo00000
ART 7770Studies Mixed Media00000
ART 1035Introduction to Art00000
ART 1215Foundations Studio II00000
ART 2213Typographic Design I00000
ART 2301Digital Art I00000
ART 2352Intro Intaglio/Lithography00000
ART 2701Photography I00000
ART 7423Methods Art Second Schools00000
ART 3222Graphic Design Method00000
ART 3313Drawing And Composition00000
ART 3332Painting II00000
ART 3511Sculpture II00000
ART 3524Ceramics II00000
ART 4169Mural Painting as Public Art00000
ART 4222Interactive Media Design00000
ART 4226Studio Arts Internship00000
ART 7240Visual Communctn Resrch00000
ART 7040Problems Graphic Design00000
ART 6701Color Photography00000
ART 6560Interactive Media Design00000
ART 6512Sculpture V00000
ART 6354Com Imag Prnt/Photo II00000
ART 6351Adv Printmaking I00000
ART 6332Painting IV00000
ART 6322Drawng & Paintng II00000
ART 6224History Graphic Design00000
ART 6222Intrctv Mltimd/Grph Des00000
ART 6211Writing/Design Process00000
ART 6011Mural Painting As Public Art00000
ART 4995Senior Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 4711Adv Photography Seminar00000
ART 6221Graphic Dsgn/Print Comm00000
ART 7712Photo Portfolio Sem00000
ART 7660Direct Ind Study00000
ART 7550Studies/Three Dim Media00000
ART 7411Methods for Elem Art00000
ART 7201Adv Research Phtgrphy00000
ART 6704Photographic Lighting00000
ART 6641Study and Travel in Art: Photography in London00000
ART 6621Workshop In Art I00000
ART 6511Sculpture IV00000
ART 6353Com Image Prnt/Photo I00000
ART 6352Adv Printmaking II00000
ART 6333Painting V00000
ART 6331Painting III00000
ART 6321Drawing & Painting I00000
ART 6223Special Studies/Graphic Des00000
ART 4704Photographic Lighting00000
ART 6169Mural Painting as Public Art00000
ART 6010Screenprinting Using Photoshop00000
ART 4990Senior Thesis Preparation00000
ART 4703Alternative Photogrphc Process00000
ART 4701Color Photography00000
ART 4622Workshop in Art II00000
ART 4560Interactive Media Design00000
ART 4522Ceramics IV00000
ART 4511Sculpture IV00000
ART 4430Community Art Project00000
ART 4354Computer Image Print/Photo II00000
ART 4351Adv Printmaking I00000
ART 4331Painting III00000
ART 4314Art of the Book00000
ART 4230Graphic Design Internship00000
ART 4235Graphic Design Portfolio00000
ART 7200Photography Seminar00000
ART 6703Altn Photogrphc Process00000
ART 6650Profess Art Practices00000
ART 6521Ceramics III00000
ART 4712Photography Portfolio Seminar00000
ART 4702Photographic Material/Process00000
ART 4641Study and Travel in Art: Photography in London00000
ART 4621Workshop in Art I00000
ART 4550Web Publish II: html/CSS00000
ART 4521Ceramics III00000
ART 4500Web PublishI: html/CSS00000
ART 4427Method/Materials Art Instruc00000
ART 4353Computer Image Print/Photo I00000
ART 4333Painting V00000
ART 4322Drawing and Painting II00000
ART 7330Studies/Two Dimen Media00000
ART 4229Gallery Internship00000
ART 4224History Graphic Design00000
ART 4221Graphic Design/Print Comm00000
ART 4211Writing/Design Process00000
ART 4011Mural Painting As Public Art00000
ART 3522Alternate Processes in Clay00000
ART 3423Art Secondary Schools00000
ART 3351Printmaking II00000
ART 3227Electronic Pre-Press Prod00000
ART 3213Typographic Design II00000
ART 2702Photography II00000
ART 2511Sculpture I00000
ART 2331Painting I00000
ART 2219Visual Thinking00000
ART 1311Drawing I00000
ART 3512Sculpture III00000
ART 4650Profess Art Practices00000
ART 4526Photojournalism00000
ART 4512Sculpture V00000
ART 4440Analysis of Teaching in Art Education00000
ART 4410Art Educ Independ Study00000
ART 4352Adv Printmaking II00000
ART 4332Painting IV00000
ART 4321Drawing and Painting I00000
ART 4233Design Practice Studio00000
ART 4228Photography Internship00000
ART 4223Special Studies/Graphic Des00000
ART 4220Print Communication Design00000
ART 4140Publication Design00000
ART 4010Screenprinting Using Photoshop00000
ART 3701Photography III00000
ART 1045Drawing I00000
ART 3411Art for Children00000
ART 3314Drawing And Concepts00000
ART 3301Digital Art00000
ART 3219Image Design00000
ART 3000Photography Lab Management00000
ART 2523Ceramics I00000
ART 2351Printmaking I00000
ART 2223Computer Assisted Graphc Des00000
ART 1314Drawing II00000
ART 1210Foundations Studio I00000
ART 1030Intro to Art00000
ART 7996Thesis00000
ART 7711Adv Photography Semnr00000
ART 7651Graduate Studio Sem00000
ART 7421Positive Yth Devlp thru Arts00000