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UofM Course Reviews

University of Memphis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1910Calculus I32231
MATH 1420Foundations of Mathematics14111
MATH 1530Prob/Statistics/Non Calculus00000
MATH 8635Adv Stat Learning I00000
MATH 8656Adv Tchn Statistcl Infr00000
MATH 8670App Stochastic Models00000
MATH 8680Bayesian Inference00000
MATH 8695Bootstrap/Other Methods00000
MATH 8812Additive Number Theory00000
MATH 8921Spec Prob Diff Equation00000
MATH 8960Sem Teachng/Res/Consult00000
MATH 1005Algebra Essentials00000
MATH 1100Basic Algebra00000
MATH 1480Math/Elem School Teachers I00000
MATH 8395Theory Diff Equatns00000
MATH 1720Trigonometry00000
MATH 1900Experience/Calculus00000
MATH 2010Intro Linear Algebra00000
MATH 2120Differential Equations00000
MATH 2702Intro Proof/Fundamental Math00000
MATH 3242Intro Linear Algebra00000
MATH 3581College Geometry00000
MATH 4018Linear Program & Optimization00000
MATH 4082Math/Mid School Teacher00000
MATH 4085Introduction to Combinatorics00000
MATH 7657Multivar Stat Meth00000
MATH 7282Foundations of Algebra00000
MATH 7350Real Variables I00000
MATH 7352Ergodic Theory00000
MATH 7383Concepts of Calculus 100000
MATH 7391Fndns of Differential Eqns00000
MATH 7501Nonlinear Wave Phenomena00000
MATH 7504Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 7601Statistics for Tchrs00000
MATH 7635Adv Stat Learning I00000
MATH 7642Experimental Design00000
MATH 7647Non-Param Stat Meth00000
MATH 4351Intro Real Analysis II00000
MATH 7670App Stochastic Models00000
MATH 7672Data Science: Classification and Clustering00000
MATH 7692Statistical Consulting00000
MATH 7921Spec Prob Diff Equation00000
MATH 8039Nonlinear Analysis00000
MATH 8044ST:Advanced PDEs00000
MATH 8045ST: Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 8048ST: Adv. Control Theory PDEs00000
MATH 8236Probabilistic Combinatorics00000
MATH 8311Topics In Analysis00000
MATH 8046ST: Percolation Theory00000
MATH 7395Theory Diff Equatns00000
MATH 7502Semigroups of Linear Operators00000
MATH 7607Adv Prog In Sas00000
MATH 7636Adv Stat Learning II00000
MATH 7643Least Sq/Regr Analysis00000
MATH 7651Linear Models00000
MATH 7660App Time Series Analy00000
MATH 7680Bayesian Inference00000
MATH 7759Categorical Analysis00000
MATH 7960GA Teaching & Academic Strateg00000
MATH 8041Ordinary Differential Eqns00000
MATH 7384Concepts of Calculus 200000
MATH 8049Topics in Banach Space Theory00000
MATH 8237Graph Theory00000
MATH 8501Nonlinear Wave Phenomena00000
MATH 8503Semigroups Nonlinear Operators00000
MATH 8636Adv Stat Learning II00000
MATH 8657Multivar Stat Meth00000
MATH 8671Indiv Study Statistics00000
MATH 8685Simulation And Computing00000
MATH 8759Categorical Analysis00000
MATH 8813Dir Rsrch Math/Stat00000
MATH 8922Spec Prob Applied Math00000
MATH 6608R for Data Proc and Visual00000
MATH 7262Algebraic Theory II00000
MATH 4402Honors Thesis Seminar00000
MATH 4608R for Data Proc and Visual00000
MATH 4635Intro Probability Theory00000
MATH 4637Stat Analysis/App Big Data00000
MATH 4686Statistical Learning II00000
MATH 6050Foundations of Geometry/Trig00000
MATH 6084Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 6171Spec Prob In Math00000
MATH 6350Intro Real Analysis I00000
MATH 6391Partial Diffrntl Equation I00000
MATH 4242Linear Algebra00000
MATH 6635Intro Probability Theory00000
MATH 6640Intro Probability Models00000
MATH 7016Fourier Analysis00000
MATH 7042ST: Topics in PDEs00000
MATH 7046ST: Percolation Theory00000
MATH 7049Topics in Banach Space Theory00000
MATH 7237Graph Theory00000
MATH 7281Linear Alg For Tchrs00000
MATH 7321Modeling & Computation00000
MATH 7355Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 7351Real Variables II00000
MATH 6361Complex Variables00000
MATH 6607Intro SAS Programming00000
MATH 6611Intro Applied Statistics00000
MATH 6636Intro Statistical Theory00000
MATH 6686Statistical Learning II00000
MATH 7039Nonlinear Analysis00000
MATH 7044ST:Advanced PDEs00000
MATH 7047ST: Nonlinear PDEs00000
MATH 7235Combinatorics00000
MATH 7261Algebraic Theory I00000
MATH 7311Topics In Analysis00000
MATH 6261Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 7361Complex Analysis00000
MATH 7385Concepts of Multivariable Calc00000
MATH 7411Point Set Topology00000
MATH 7503Semigroups Nonlinear Operators00000
MATH 7608Statistical Programming with R00000
MATH 7641Analysis Of Variance00000
MATH 7645Sampling Techniques00000
MATH 7654Inference Theory00000
MATH 7671Indiv Study Statistics00000
MATH 7685Simulation & Computing00000
MATH 7762Survival Analysis00000
MATH 4120Ordinary Differential Eqns00000
MATH 1130College Algebra00000
MATH 1421Honors Calculus I00000
MATH 1481Math/Elem School Teachers II00000
MATH 1630Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 1730Pre-Calculus00000
MATH 2050Calculus Based Prob/Stats00000
MATH 2421Honors Calculus II00000
MATH 3402Honors Mathematics IV00000
MATH 3810College Geometry00000
MATH 4080Math/Sec School Teachers I00000
MATH 4083Dynamical Systems/Chaos00000
MATH 7996Thesis00000
MATH 4261Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 4361Complex Variables00000
MATH 4411Topology00000
MATH 4611Intro Applied Statistics00000
MATH 4636Intro Statistical Theory00000
MATH 4685Statistical Learning I00000
MATH 6018Linear Program & Optimization00000
MATH 6083Dynamical Systems/Chaos00000
MATH 6085Introduction to Combinatorics00000
MATH 6151History of Math00000
MATH 6242Linear Algebra00000
MATH 4084Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 4151History of Mathematics00000
MATH 4171Special Problems in Math00000
MATH 4350Intro Real Analysis I00000
MATH 4391Partial Diffrntl Equation I00000
MATH 4607Intro SAS Programming00000
MATH 4614Probability/Statistics00000
MATH 4640Intro Probability Models00000
MATH 4721Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 6051Methods of Proofs for Tchrs00000
MATH 6120Ordinary Differtl Equations00000
MATH 4081Math/Sec School Teachers II00000
MATH 6351Intro Real Analysis II00000
MATH 6411Topology00000
MATH 6614Probability/Statistics00000
MATH 6637Stat Analysis/App Big Data00000
MATH 6685Statistical Learning I00000
MATH 6721Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 7041Ordinary Differential Eqns00000
MATH 7045ST: Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 7048ST: Adv. Control Theory PDEs00000
MATH 7236Probabilistic Combinatorics00000
MATH 8821Spec Prob In Math00000
MATH 8042ST: Topics in PDEs00000
MATH 8047ST: Nonlinear PDEs00000
MATH 8235Combinatorics00000
MATH 8355Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 8502Semigroups of Linear Operators00000
MATH 8504Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 8642Experimental Design00000
MATH 8660App Time Series Analy00000
MATH 8672Data Science: Classification and Clustering00000
MATH 8692Statistical Consulting00000
MATH 8762Survival Analysis00000
MATH 1010Math for General Studies00000
MATH 9000Dissertation00000
MATH 1710College Algebra00000
MATH 1830Elementary Calculus00000
MATH 1920Calculus II00000
MATH 2110Calculus III00000
MATH 2422Honors Calculus III00000
MATH 3221Elementary Number Theory00000
MATH 3410Honors Seminar in Math I00000
MATH 3411Honors Seminar in Math II00000
MATH 4010ST:Math for Computer Graphics00000