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UOP Course Reviews

University of the Pacific

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 009Three-Dimensional Design00000
ARTS 023Painting I00000
ARTS 059Printmaking I00000
ARTS 077Graphic Design II00000
ARTS 087Internship00000
ARTS 091Print Media Graphics00000
ARTS 103Graphic Production00000
ARTS 121Life Drawing II00000
ARTS 127Illustration00000
ARTS 155Printmaking III00000
ARTS 181Interdisciplinary Seminar00000
ARTS 185Senior Studio Art Seminar00000
ARTS 191Independent Study00000
ARTS 193BUpcycle Fashion00000
ARTS 197Undergraduate Research00000
ARTS 007Two-Dimensional Design & Color00000
ARTS 021Life Drawing I00000
ARTS 057Watercolor Painting00000
ARTS 075Graphic Design I00000
ARTS 081Typography II00000
ARTS 089ASocial Media Intern00000
ARTS 093AArts & Humanities Cohort00000
ARTS 105Web Design00000
ARTS 115Animation00000
ARTS 125Painting III00000
ARTS 151Printmaking II00000
ARTS 173Senior Seminar00000
ARTS 175Senior Graphic Design Seminar00000
ARTS 181AInterdisciplinary Studio00000
ARTS 189Practicum00000
ARTS 191CMural Project00000
ARTS 193Advanced Studio00000
ARTS 197AMural Project00000
ARTS 005Drawing00000
ARTS 011Digital Photography00000
ARTS 037Sculpture00000
ARTS 073Freshman Seminar00000
ARTS 079Typography I00000
ARTS 089Practicum00000
ARTS 095Video I00000
ARTS 107Video II00000
ARTS 123Painting II00000
ARTS 141Photography II00000
ARTS 171Graphic Design III00000
ARTS 181BInterdisciplinary Studio00000
ARTS 187Internship00000
ARTS 191BIllustration00000
ARTS 193AGraphic Design: Branding & Ads00000