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UOP Course Reviews

University of the Pacific

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 011Human Anatomy and Physiology00000
BIOL 051Principles of Biology00000
BIOL 074Biology of Insects00000
BIOL 089Lab Assistant in Biology00000
BIOL 101Genetics00000
BIOL 124Cancer Biology00000
BIOL 145Microbiology00000
BIOL 159Molecular Biological Technique00000
BIOL 175Ecology00000
BIOL 193ASpecial Topics: Micro Pathogen00000
BIOL 193CST: Comp Oral & ENT Biology00000
BIOL 224Cancer Biology00000
BIOL 259Molecular Biology Techniques00000
BIOL 291AInd Study: Plant-Insect Int00000
BIOL 293ASpecial Topics: Micro Pathogen00000
BIOL 293CST, Vector Borne Diseases00000
BIOL 035Environment: Concepts & Issues00000
BIOL 061Principles of Biology00000
BIOL 077Marine Birds and Mammals00000
BIOL 093ABiology Orientation00000
BIOL 122Principles of Immunology00000
BIOL 128Histology00000
BIOL 169Elements of Biochemistry00000
BIOL 171Methods in Field Biology00000
BIOL 191Independent Study: Science Com00000
BIOL 197Undergraduate Research00000
BIOL 226Neurobiology00000
BIOL 271Methods in Field Biology00000
BIOL 293FST, Science Communication00000
BIOL 293BSpecial Topics: Insect Biology00000
BIOL 295Graduate Seminar00000
BIOL 299Thesis00000
BIOL 041Introduction to Biology00000
BIOL 071Human Anatomy00000
BIOL 081Human Physiology00000
BIOL 093BBio Bridge00000
BIOL 126Neurobiology00000
BIOL 146Industrial Microbiology00000
BIOL 170Human Anatomy00000
BIOL 180Human Physiology00000
BIOL 193DSpecial Topics:Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 193BST: Animals of California00000
BIOL 222Immunology00000
BIOL 246Industrial Microbiology00000
BIOL 291BInd Study: Zebrafish Neurobio00000
BIOL 293EInsect Biology00000
BIOL 293DSpecial topics:Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 297Graduate Research00000