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ECO 1302

Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues

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1Awful Class
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Prof: Brett Fiebiger / Winter 2014

Nov 5, 2021

Comments on the course

Macroeconomics has potential, but my personal experience of this course was horrible because of the professor. The exams were fair, but you'll never learn anything from listening to this professor rambling on about goblins and leprechauns. You will need to spend a ton of time self-studying to get a good grade. The only saving grace is Aplia exercises (20%) and attendance (5%, but I also wish it didn't exist).

Course Content

Introductory concepts in Macroeconomics. And a lot of useless stuff in the lectures that nobody could make heads or tails of, because the professor is the worst lecturer I have ever had to this very day.

Comments on the professor

Absolutely horrible. His lectures made absolutely no sense... in an introductory Macroeconomics course. Yeah, that's bad. He rambled on about irrelevant things. The textbook is your only hope. He took 5% of our grade for attendance, and yet most of the class never showed up anyway. I would have never shown up if not for that attendance grade. USELESS.


I wish I knew how awful the professor was before deciding to take this course.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Attendance HeavyExam HeavyQuiz Heavy

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