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uOttawa Course Reviews

University of Ottawa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENG 1112Technical Report Writing33.523.52
ENG 2303Introduction to Writing Prose Fiction55551
ENG 2301The Writing Process55551
ENG 2113The Bible and the History of English Literature00000
ENG 2370Writing for Digital Media I: Fundamentals of Digital Literacy00000
ENG 2305Introduction to Writing Creative Non-fiction00000
ENG 3170Writing for Digital Media II00000
ENG 1120Selected Topics in Literature and Composition00000
ENG 2141Literature and the Environment00000
ENG 6303Professional Development00000
ENG 2140Literature and Film00000
ENG 4142Shakespeare: Seminar00000
ENG 4130Medieval Literature: Special Topic00000
ENG 3305Advanced Workshop in Creative Non-fiction00000
ENG 2114Women and Literature to 190000000
ENG 2151Literature and the Sciences00000
ENG 3388Canadian Poetry 1900 to the Present00000
ENG 3383Jewish Canadian Writers00000
ENG 3374Topics in the Environmental Humanities00000
ENG 3373Modern British Novelists00000
ENG 3321Canadian Short Story00000
ENG 3110Canadian Drama00000
ENG 3385Canadian Literature of the Confederation Period (1867-1912)00000
ENG 3364Victorian Fiction00000
ENG 3371Modern Drama00000
ENG 6999Major Research Paper 100000
ENG 6302Research Methodology00000
ENG 4148Renaissance: Seminar00000
ENG 4134Renaissance: Special Topic00000
ENG 4115Medieval Literature: Seminar00000
ENG 2112Classical Backgrounds of English Literature00000
ENG 1131Effective Business English00000
ENG 3389Writing Resistance in the English Literatures00000
ENG 3386Canadian Fiction 1900 to 195000000
ENG 3379American Poetry 1900 to the Present00000
ENG 3376Contemporary Novel00000
ENG 3339Sixteenth-Century Literature00000
ENG 3320Modern British Literature00000
ENG 3106Topics in Film Studies00000
ENG 3377American Fiction of the 19th Century00000
ENG 3349Restoration and 18th-Century Drama00000
ENG 3340Seventeenth-Century Literature00000
ENG 3323Medieval Literature I00000
ENG 2124Second-Year Seminar00000
ENG 2104Introduction to American Literature II: 1900 to the Present00000
ENG 3180Editing Documents for Business, Science, and Technology00000
ENG 3112Narrative Genres: Theories and Approaches00000
ENG 4397Advanced Workshop in Creative Writing: Selected Genres00000
ENG 2102Introduction to Canadian Literature II: 1920 to the Present00000
ENG 3381Indigenous Literatures00000
ENG 3378American Fiction 1900 to the Present00000
ENG 3372Modern Short Story00000
ENG 3370Modern British Poetry00000
ENG 3109Transnational Literatures 1900-Present00000
ENG 3384Literatures of Exploration and Settlement in Canada00000
ENG 335618th-Century and Romantic Fiction00000
ENG 3108Transatlantic Literature 1700-190000000
ENG 3324Medieval Literature II00000
ENG 3133Elizabethan Shakespeare00000
ENG 2105Introduction to British Literature I: Beginnings to 170000000
ENG 3387Canadian Fiction 1950 to the Present00000
ENG 1124Engaging with Literature00000
ENG 3182Policy Writing and Writing for Government00000
ENG 3171Communication in the Information Age00000
ENG 2380Introduction to Technical Writing00000
ENG 3111Poetics00000
ENG 3105Book History: Theories and Methods00000
ENG 3306Advanced Workshop in Scriptwriting00000
ENG 3303Advanced Workshop in Prose Fiction00000
ENG 2307Writing with Visuals: An Introduction00000
ENG 2304Introduction to Writing Poetry00000
ENG 3375Critical Theory00000
ENG 3341Eighteenth-Century Literature00000
ENG 3135Early Modern Drama00000
ENG 3134Jacobean Shakespeare00000
ENG 2106Introduction to British Literature II: 1700 to the Present00000
ENG 2103Introduction to American Literature I: Beginnings to 190000000
ENG 2101Introduction to Canadian Literature I: Beginnings to 192000000
ENG 3318Romantic Literature00000
ENG 3181Editing in Arts and Humanities Publishing00000
ENG 2381Writing about the Arts00000
ENG 1320English Grammar for Professional Writers and Editors 100000
ENG 3362Victorian Literature00000
ENG 3107Literature and Visual Culture: Theories and Approaches00000
ENG 3307Advanced Workshop in Comics and Graphic Fiction00000
ENG 3164Advanced Workshop in Poetry00000
ENG 2306Introduction to Writing for Stage and Screen00000
ENG 1100Workshop in Essay Writing00000
ENG 7997M. Thesis Proposal00000
ENG 4133Shakespeare: Special Topic00000
ENG 2130Traditions of King Arthur00000
ENG 2115Women and Literature 1900 to the Present00000
ENG 2137The Politics of Literature00000