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uOttawa Course Reviews

University of Ottawa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOC 3705Sociologie de la société franco-ontarienne00000
SOC 2111Principles of Methodology00000
SOC 4310Globalization and the Environment00000
SOC 2102Sociology of Food and Eating00000
SOC 1106Exploring Diversity in Canada00000
SOC 2106Introduction to Deviance and Social Problems00000
SOC 1101Principles of Sociology00000
SOC 3309Secularization, Laicism and Religion00000
SOC 8511Séminaire avancé de recherche sociologique00000
SOC 4305Conflicts and Social Movements00000
SOC 2708Sociologie des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire du Canada00000
SOC 3331Sociology and Anthropology of Development00000
SOC 4103Sociology of Populations00000
SOC 4111Seminar in Applied Ethics00000
SOC 3123Sociological Perspectives on Determinants of Health00000
SOC 3118Life course and Social Ties00000
SOC 7515Lecture, analyse et synthèse des données à caractère sociologique00000
SOC 7115Sociological approaches to data literacy, analysis and synthesis00000
SOC 4303The Knowledge Society and Social Organization00000
SOC 3148Comparative Approaches in Sociology00000
SOC 3107Ageing Here and Elsewhere00000
SOC 7517Mobilisation et transfert des connaissances pour l'action sociale00000
SOC 7117Knowledge transfer for social action00000
SOC 7940Mémoire de recherche / Research Paper00000
SOC 7141Advanced Qualitative Methodology00000
SOC 4714Rapports sociaux de sexe, développement et mondialisation00000
SOC 4527Migration : analyses contemporaines00000
SOC 7140Advanced Quantitative Methodology00000
SOC 4104Family, Life Trajectories, and Society00000
SOC 2113Techniques, Cultures and Environments00000
SOC 3136Durkheim and Durkheimian Analysis00000
SOC 4117Quantitative Research Laboratory00000
SOC 2112Classical Sociological Theories00000
SOC 4127Contemporary Analysis of Migration00000
SOC 3101Sociology of Ethics00000
SOC 2101Sociological Approaches to Health, Illness and Medicine00000
SOC 4710Mondialisation et environnement00000
SOC 3516Technologies, monde et sociétés00000
SOC 3306Social Structures and Relations between the Sexes: Comparative Analysis00000
SOC 4144Social Change00000
SOC 2151Globalization: Sociological and Anthropological Aspects00000
SOC 2107Principles of Demography00000
SOC 3106Weber and Weberian Analysis00000
SOC 3142Applied Statistical Analysis00000
SOC 6101Research Design in Sociology00000
SOC 4135Local and Global Economic Relations00000
SOC 3116Technologies, World and Societies00000
SOC 3137Sociology of Minority Groups00000
SOC 2312Political Sociology00000
SOC 2104Women, Men and Society00000
SOC 9930PhD Thesis Proposal 3, 400000
SOC 8510Séminaire de doctorat00000
SOC 3105Environmental Sociology00000
SOC 2309Canadian Society00000
SOC 4705Conflits et mouvements sociaux00000
SOC 3731Sociologie et anthropologie du développement00000
SOC 3126Marx and Marxist Analysis00000
SOC 3312Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Sociology00000
SOC 4139Sociological Analysis of Social Policy00000
SOC 3117Qualitative Research Laboratory00000
SOC 3308Sociology of Work and Organizations00000
SOC 4121Ethnic and National Questions00000
SOC 4314Gender Relations, Development and Globalization00000
SOC 2103Socio-anthropology of the Family00000
SOC 9910PhD Comprehensive Examination 2, 300000
SOC 3703Sociologie de la société québécoise00000
SOC 2306Social Reconfigurations in Africa00000
SOC 7516Élaboration d'un devis de recherche, identification et synthèse des données pertinentes00000
SOC 7116Research design, identification and synthesis of relevant data00000
SOC 7990Thesis Proposal00000