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UPJ Course Reviews

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EE 1059Electromagnetics Laboratory00000
ENGLIT 0557Intro To Literature For Adolescents00000
CS 1163Advanced Topics in Cs00000
EDPSY 1036Foundations Of Esl Instruction00000
ECED 0010Directed Tutoring00000
CS 0015Introduction to Computer Program00000
EE 1772Communication Systems00000
COE 1151Computer Networks00000
CS 1762Web Programming00000
COMMRC 0030Introduction to Communication00000
ECON 1141Economic Forecasting00000
ECED 1153Literacy in the Primary Grades00000
COMMRC 1158Social Media Strategies00000
EDUC 0310Stem Education Practicum00000
CHEM 1327Instrumental Analysis00000
EE 1201Electronic Measurements And Circuits Laboratory00000
CS 0410Intro to Comptr Sci Prgm Applc00000
ENGLIT 0355Digital Humanities00000
CHEM 0150General Chemistry 1 Engineers00000
ENGLIT 0690Literature Of Terrorism00000
COE 1504Advanced Digital Systems00000
CS 1792Computer Operating Systems00000
CHEM 0231Organic Chemistry 100000
ECED 1112Early Childhood Eduction Field Practicum 200000
COMMRC 0600Theories of Interpersonal Communication00000
ECON 0105Intro Microeconomic Theory00000
ECED 1171Science Technology and Health00000
COMMRC 1134Small Group Communication00000
EDPSY 0006Intro to Educational Psychology00000
CHEM 1291Clinical Chemistry00000
EDUC 0100Introduction To Stem Education Course00000
COMMRC 1902Independent Study00000
EE 0142Computer Organization00000
CHE 1096Special Projects00000
EE 1195Engineering Practice and Professional Development00000
CS 0081Computer Literacy00000
EE 1563Signal Processing Theory and Practice00000
CHEM 1343Physical Chemistry Laboratory00000
ENGLIT 0080Narrative Literature00000
CS 0456Computer Systems Architecture00000
ENGLIT 0367Crime Stories: Courtroom Dramas & Psychological Thrillers00000
CET 1199Senior Project00000
ENGLIT 0598Bible As Literature00000
CS 1720Programming Languages00000
ENGLIT 1033Dante's Divine Comedy00000
CHEM 0190Chemistry for the Health Professions00000
CS 1766Introduction Computer Graphics00000
COE 1885Departmental Seminar00000
CS 1904Directed Study00000
CHE 0303Transport Phenomena 200000
ECED 1101Foundations of Early Childhood Education00000
COMMRC 0083Intercultural Communication00000
ECED 1123Writing Development00000
CHEM 0234Organic Chemistry Laboratory 200000
ECED 1162Integrating the Creative Arts00000
COMMRC 0700Communication Research Methods00000
ECED 1194Eced Student Teaching Seminar00000
ECED 1173Social Studies in Early Childhood Education00000
COMMRC 1131Organizational Communication00000
ECON 0281Introduction To Money & Banking00000
CHEM 1131Inorganic Chemistry00000
ECON 1810Special Topics00000
COMMRC 1136Nonverbal Communication00000
EDPSY 1026English Language Learners00000
CHE 0515Catalysis00000
EDPSY 1121Educational Assessment for Inclusion Classroom00000
COMMRC 1212Public Relations 200000
EDUC 0150Stem Education Methods00000
CHEM 1322Biochemistry 200000
EE 0031Linear Circuits and Systems 100000
COMMRC 1950Communication Capstone00000
EE 0445Programming And Introduction To Data Structures00000
ACCT 1280Accounting And Directed Reading00000
EE 1073Control Systems Laboratory00000
CS 0046Computer Systems Architecture Applications00000
EE 1198Special Projects: Independent00000
CHEM 1331Polymer Chemistry00000
EE 1259Electromagnetics00000
CS 0100Perspectives In Computer Science00000
EE 1770Power Systems II00000
CHEM 0111General Chemistry 100000
ENGCMP 0001Freshman Composition 1 Tutorial00000
CS 0417Intermediate Programming Using Java00000
ENGLIT 0316Reading Poetry00000
CHEM 1360Independent Study00000
ENGLIT 0363Pumped: Literature and Sports00000
CS 0458Data Structures and Files00000
ENGLIT 0410Global Literature 200000
ACCT 1130Intermediate Accounting 200000
ENGLIT 0575American Literature 200000
CS 1171Computer Science Assistantship00000
ENGLIT 0621African-American Literature00000
COE 1197Special Project: Directed00000
CS 1736Software Engineering00000
ACCT 0200Accounting Principles 200000
ACCT 1156Government and Nonprofit Accounting00000
CHE 0402Reactive Processes 100000
CHEM 0237Organic Chemistry 2 Engineers00000
COMMRC 1124Rhetorical Criticism00000
ECED 1183Engaging Young Children in Learning (C&I)00000