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UR Course Reviews

University of Richmond

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 290Cultural Theory00000
ANTH 489Research Practicum00000
ANTH 426Directed Independent Study00000
ANTH 401Honors Independent Study00000
ANTH 388Individual Internship00000
ANTH 335Law & Order: Anth Of Justice00000
ANTH 308Latin America:Ethnogrphc Persp00000
ANTH 303Biopolitics in Medical Anthro00000
ANTH 302Med&Hlth-Glbl/Anth Perspect00000
ANTH 300Sexuality/Gender Across Cultrs00000
ANTH 307Indigenous People Of Americas00000
ANTH 279St:Women Rprdctv Hlth: Glbl00000
ANTH 211Field Methods in Ethnography00000
ANTH 101Intro to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 427Directed Independent Study00000
ANTH 402Honors Thesis00000
ANTH 400Capstone Seminar00000
ANTH 379St: Health And Migration00000
ANTH 328Anthropology of Human Rights00000