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UR Course Reviews

University of Richmond

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 220Projects00000
CHEM 321Advanced Indep Research00000
CHEM 325Experimental Biophysical Chem00000
CHEM 329Protein Struct/Funct/Biophys00000
CHEM 342Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 417Organometallic Chemistry00000
CHEM 427Is:Intro To Organometallc Chem00000
CHEM 113Catchng Criminals W/Chem W/Lab00000
CHEM 141Chem:Struct/Thrmdynmcs/Synth00000
CHEM 204Organic Chemistry I Sa00000
CHEM 316Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 302Spectroscopy & Instrumentation00000
CHEM 310Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 315Physical Chemistry Lab II00000
CHEM 320Introduction to Research00000
CHEM 324Experimental Biochemistry00000
CHEM 330Special Topic in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 343Organic Reactions & Mechanisms00000
CHEM 421Senior Seminar I00000
CHEM 433St:Modrn Methods In Orgnc Chem00000
CHEM 333Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 114Chem:Cooking/Mdrnst Cuis W/Lab00000
CHEM 191Intgrtd Sci/Mat/Cmsc 3 W/Lab00000
CHEM 205Organic Chemistry I W/Lab00000
CHEM 300Measurement Statistics00000
CHEM 308Statistical Mechanics00000
CHEM 314Physical Chem Laboratory I00000
CHEM 317Inorganic Chemistry W/Lab00000
CHEM 322Junior Seminar00000
CHEM 326Biochemistry00000
CHEM 110Polltnts in the Envrnmnt W/Lab00000
CHEM 344Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 422Senior Seminar II00000
CHEM 111Chem Det:Solv Real World Puz00000
CHEM 115Chemistry In Art W/Lab00000
CHEM 192Sci/Math/Rsrch Training II00000
CHEM 206Organic Chemistry II W/Lab00000
CHEM 301Quant Methods/Chem Analysis00000
CHEM 309Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 313The Natures Of The Chemcl Bond00000