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UR Course Reviews

University of Richmond

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMSC 150Introductn to Computing W/Lab52551
CMSC 105Elementary Programming W/Lab00000
CMSC 395St: Android Programming00000
CMSC 340Dis: Security Seminar00000
CMSC 334Computer Security W/ Lab00000
CMSC 332Computer Networks W/Lab00000
CMSC 328Numerical Analysis00000
CMSC 326Simulation W/ Lab00000
CMSC 323Dsgn/Implemntn Prog Lang W/Lab00000
CMSC 321Operating Systems W/Lab00000
CMSC 301Computer Organization W/Lab00000
CMSC 240Software Systems Dvlpmnt W/Lab00000
CMSC 221Data Structures W/Lab00000
CMSC 190Intgrtd Sci/Mat/Cmsc W/Lab00000
CMSC 388Individual Internship00000
CMSC 335Computer Graphics W/ Lab00000
CMSC 333Parallel Programming W/Lab00000
CMSC 331Intro To Complr Cnstrctn W/Lab00000
CMSC 327Machine Learning00000
CMSC 325Database Systems W/ Lab00000
CMSC 322Software Engnrng Pract W/Lab00000
CMSC 315Algorithms W/ Lab00000
CMSC 288Computer Science Apprenticeshp00000
CMSC 222Dscrt Strctrs for Cmptng W/Lab00000
CMSC 195St: Smart Cs00000