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URI Course Reviews

University of Rhode Island

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MBA 593Internship in Business Administration00000
MBA 528Business Integration II00000
MBA 536Healthcare Operations and Supply Chain Management00000
MBA 540Organizational Decision Making and Design00000
MBA 560Operations and Supply Chain Management00000
MBA 566Security and Investment Analysis00000
MBA 569Advanced International Financial Management00000
MBA 571Labor Relations and Human Resources00000
MBA 573Staffing Organizations00000
MBA 575Seminar in Management00000
MBA 578Human Resource Development00000
MBA 584Buyer Behavior00000
MBA 591Directed Study in Business00000
MBA 525Business Innovation Process00000
MBA 501Computing for Management00000
MBA 504Financial Management00000
MBA 516Professional Writing, Speaking and Presenting00000
MBA 519Marketing Decision-Making00000
MBA 521Operations and Supply Chain for Innovation00000
MBA 524Entrepreneurship & Innovation00000
MBA 529Career Planning00000
MBA 534Financial Management for Healthcare Professionals00000
MBA 538XLaw of Health Administration00000
MBA 550Managing with Information Resources00000
MBA 562Global Supply Chain Management00000
MBA 567Advanced Portfolio Theory and Security Analysis00000
MBA 572Strategic Human Resource Management00000
MBA 505Managerial Marketing00000
MBA 517Management Essentials00000
MBA 520Accounting for Strategic Management and Investors00000
MBA 523Analytical Tools for Business00000
MBA 527Technology and Business Law00000
MBA 530Legal Environment of Business00000
MBA 537Managerial Accounting for Healthcare Professionals00000
MBA 539Hacking for Environment: Oceans00000
MBA 555Managerial Economics00000
MBA 565Strategic Management00000
MBA 568Advanced Financial Theory00000
MBA 570Hedge Fund Management and Investment Bank00000
MBA 502Organizational Behavior00000
MBA 574Consulting and Management Practice00000
MBA 577Management of Total Rewards00000
MBA 582Applied Time Series Methods And Business Forecasting00000
MBA 588Marketing Communications Management00000
MBA 592Directed Study in Business00000
MBA 594Internship in Business Administration00000
MBA 500Statistical Methods for Management00000
MBA 503Financial Accounting00000
MBA 510Managerial Accounting00000
MBA 518Financial Fundamentals for Innovation00000
MBA 522Business Integration I00000