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USC Upstate Course Reviews

University of South Carolina Upstate

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH U126Precalculus I43551
MATH A112Precalculus Mathematics II00000
MATH A591Capstone II00000
MATH U120College Mathematics00000
MATH U241Calculus III00000
MATH A225Mathematical Software00000
MATH U346Modern Algebra I00000
MATH A122Survey of Calculus with Applications00000
MATH B122Calculus for Business Administration and Social Sciences00000
MATH U121College Algebra00000
MATH U245Elementary Differential Equations00000
MATH A531Foundations of Geometry00000
MATH A102Contemporary Mathematics00000
MATH B111College Algebra00000
MATH B460Topology00000
MATH U232Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics II00000
MATH A420History of Mathematics00000
MATH U531Foundations of Geometry00000
MATH A111Precalculus Mathematics I00000
MATH B111LIntensive College Algebra00000
MATH U142Calculus II00000
MATH U598Tpcs:Cmpttnal Mdlng wth MATLAB00000
MATH U255MATLAB Programming00000
MATH 111IIntensive Basic College Mathematics00000
MATH 116Brief Precalculus Mathematics00000
MATH 142Calculus II00000
MATH 170Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 174Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science00000
MATH 222Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics II00000
MATH 242Elementary Differential Equations00000
MATH 344Applied Linear Algebra00000
MATH 374Discrete Structures00000
MATH 401Conceptual History of Mathematics00000
MATH 511Probability00000
MATH 520Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 527Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 532Modern Geometry00000
MATH 534Elements of General Topology00000
MATH 546Algebraic Structures I00000
MATH 552Applied Complex Variables00000
MATH 572Mathematical Foundation of Network Science00000
MATH 599Topic: Introduction to Deep Neural Networks00000
MATH 701IFoundations of Algebra I00000
MATH 702Algebra II00000
MATH 708Foundations of Computational Mathematics I00000
MATH 725Approximation Theory00000
MATH 738Topic: Derived categories in Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 757Functional Analysis II00000
MATH 788Topic: Introduction to Modular Forms00000
MATH 799Thesis Preparation00000
MATH A104Mathematics for Practical Purposes00000
MATH A325Adv. Mathematical Programming00000
MATH B172Mathematical Modeling for the Life Sciences00000
MATH U344Linear Algebra I00000
MATH A518industrial Mathematics I - WI00000
MATH U560Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH A174Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science00000
MATH B101Experiential Mathematics and Computation00000
MATH B452Complex Analysis00000
MATH U231Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I00000
MATH A344Linear Algebra for Computer Science and Engineering00000
MATH U501History of Mathematics00000
MATH A108LApplied College Algebra With Lab00000
MATH A241Calculus III00000
MATH B141Calculus I00000
MATH U121ACollege Algebra00000
MATH U315Statistical Methods I00000
MATH A546Introduction to Algebraic Structures00000
MATH U399Complex Variables00000
MATH A141Calculus I00000
MATH A544Linear Algebra00000
MATH B230Linear Algebra00000
MATH U122Calculus for Management and Social Sciences00000
MATH U340Mathematical Structures and Proof00000
MATH A590Math/CS Capstone Seminar - WI00000
MATH 111Basic College Mathematics00000
MATH 115Precalculus Mathematics00000
MATH 141Calculus I00000
MATH 152Calculus Workshop II00000
MATH 531Foundations of Geometry00000
MATH 544LLinear Algebra Lab00000
MATH 548Geometry, Algebra, and Algorithms00000
MATH 554Analysis I00000
MATH 574Discrete Mathematics I00000
MATH 602An Inductive Approach to Geometry00000
MATH 701Algebra I00000
MATH 703Analysis I00000
MATH 709Foundations of Computational Mathematics II00000
MATH 724Differential Equations II00000
MATH 730General Topology I00000
MATH 748Topic: Derived Categories in Algebraic Geometry II00000
MATH 756Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 777Graph Theory II00000
MATH 791Mathematics Pedagogy I00000
MATH 798Directed Readings and Research00000
MATH 899Dissertation Preparation00000
MATH A142Calculus II00000
MATH B115Precalculus Mathematics00000
MATH B240Calculus III00000
MATH U174Elements of Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH U599Seminar in Mathematics00000
MATH B411Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH A108Applied College Algebra00000
MATH A503Geometry for Middle and High School Mathematics Teachers00000
MATH B221Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics00000
MATH U127Precalculus II00000
MATH U354Real Analysis I00000
MATH B421Mathematics for Secondary Teachers00000
MATH U120ACollege Mathematics with Lab00000
MATH A135Applied Math Seminar00000
MATH A519Industrial Mathematics II00000
MATH B222Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics II00000
MATH U141Calculus I00000
MATH U546Modern Algebra II00000
MATH B427Numerical Analysis00000
MATH A103Mathematics in Society00000
MATH A242Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH B142Calculus II00000
MATH U102Elementary Statistics00000
MATH U233Geometry and Measurement00000
MATH A492Topics in Mathematics: Number Theory00000
MATH U544Linear Algebra II00000
MATH 112Trigonometry00000
MATH 122Calculus for Business Administration and Social Sciences00000
MATH 151Calculus Workshop I00000
MATH 172Mathematical Modeling for the Life Sciences00000
MATH 221Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I00000
MATH 241Vector Calculus00000
MATH 300Transition to Advanced Mathematics00000
MATH 344LApplied Linear Algebra Lab00000
MATH 399Independent Study00000
MATH 499Undergraduate Research00000
MATH 514Financial Mathematics I00000
MATH 524Nonlinear Optimization00000
MATH 528Mathematical Foundation of Data Science and Machine Learning00000
MATH 544Linear Algebra00000
MATH 550Vector Analysis00000
MATH 555HNRS: Analysis II00000
MATH 580Elementary Number Theory00000
MATH 603Inquiry Approach to Algebra00000
MATH 703IFoundations of Analysis I00000
MATH 704Analysis II00000
MATH 723Differential Equations00000
MATH 729Nonlinear Approximation00000
MATH 736IModern Geometry00000
MATH 750Fourier Analysis00000
MATH 776Graph Theory I00000
MATH 780Elementary Number Theory00000
MATH 792Mathematics Pedagogy II00000
MATH 890Graduate Seminar00000