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USCL Course Reviews

University of South Carolina Lancaster

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH U105History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages00000
ARTH 333Art, Anatomy, and Medicine, 1700-Present00000
ARTH 342Contemporary American Art00000
ARTH 501Methodologies of Art History00000
ARTH 524Topic: History of Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 539Topic: Contemporary American Art00000
ARTH 549Topic: 20th Century Chinese Art00000
ARTH 599Independent Study00000
ARTH 790Topic: Problems in Art History: American Architecture00000
ARTH U302African-American Art00000
ARTH U101WT:Introduction to Art00000
ARTH A343History of Animation00000
ARTH 321History of Northern Renaissance Art00000
ARTH B106History of Western Art II00000
ARTH 105History of Western Art I00000
ARTH 320History of Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 327History of 18th-Century European Art00000
ARTH 337History of Modern Architecture00000
ARTH 390Topic: 20th Century Chinese Art00000
ARTH 520History of Renaissance Painting00000
ARTH 537Topic: Topics in Modern Architecture: History of Modern Arch...00000
ARTH 560Museology I00000
ARTH 701Methodologies and Practices of Art History00000
ARTH 799Thesis Preparation00000
ARTH 534Topic: Art and Ideas in the 19th Century00000
ARTH B315History of Medieval Art00000
ARTH A499Art History Capstone00000
ARTH A397Topics in Non-Western Art History00000
ARTH U308History of Graphic Design00000
ARTH A399Independent Study00000
ARTH U400Art Theory and Criticism00000
ARTH 107History of Asian Art00000
ARTH 330History of 19th-Century European Art00000
ARTH 335History of 20th Century Art00000
ARTH 399Independent Study00000
ARTH 503Internship in Art History00000
ARTH A105History of Western Art I00000
ARTH 542History of American Architecture00000
ARTH 590Topic: Topics in Art History: Art and Anatomy, 1700-190000000
ARTH 730Topic: History of Art and Ideas in the 19th Century00000
ARTH 798Master's Project Planning00000
ARTH A403Art History Practicum00000
ARTH A106History of Western Art II00000
ARTH U306Contemporary Art00000
ARTH B105History of Western Art I00000
ARTH B320History of Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARTH U106History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern00000
ARTH 106History of Western Art II00000