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USM Gulf Coast Course Reviews

University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 202Proseminar in Anthropology00000
ANT 231Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology00000
ANT 331Survey of Archaeological Methods00000
ANT 429Topics in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 529Topics in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 601Teaching Anthropology00000
ANT 101The Human Experience: A Global Perspective on Human Diversit...00000
ANT 221Introduction Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANT 301History of Anthropological Theory00000
ANT 401Senior Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANT 439Topics in Archaeology00000
ANT 445Bioarchaeology00000
ANT 545Bioarchaeology00000
ANT 692Special Problems00000