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USMaine Course Reviews

University of Southern Maine

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COS 485Design and Analysis of Computing Algorithms00000
COS 527Computational Text Analytics00000
COS 550Operating Systems00000
COS 575Machine Learning00000
COS 161Algorithms in Programming00000
COS 199Topics in Computer Programming00000
COS 255Computer Organization Laboratory00000
COS 350Systems Programming00000
COS 374Numerical Analysis00000
COS 420Object-Oriented Design00000
COS 427Computational Text Analytics00000
COS 444Software Project Management00000
COS 457Database Systems00000
COS 472Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining00000
COS 522Computing for Data Science00000
COS 544Software Project Management00000
COS 572Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining00000
COS 160Structured Problem Solving: Java00000
COS 184Python Programming00000
COS 250Computer Organization00000
COS 280Discrete Mathematics II00000
COS 360Programming Languages00000
COS 389Programming Autonomous Robots00000
COS 422Computing for Data Science00000
COS 425Mobile Development00000
COS 432Deep Learning00000
COS 452Computer Graphics00000
COS 470Topics in Computer Science00000
COS 497Independent Study in Computer Science00000
COS 532Deep Learning00000
COS 558Database Systems00000
COS 582Design and Analysis of Computing Algorithms00000
COS 170Structured Programming Laboratory00000
COS 200Introduction to Cyber Security00000
COS 285Data Structures00000
COS 368Graphical User Interface Design00000
COS 398Professional Ethics and Social Impact of Computing00000
COS 430Software Engineering00000
COS 450Operating Systems00000
COS 460Computer Networks00000
COS 475Machine Learning00000
COS 498Computer Science Internship00000
COS 540Computer Networks00000
COS 570Seminar:Advanced Topics in Computer Science00000
COS 697Independent Study00000