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USMaine Course Reviews

University of Southern Maine

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EGN 182Engineering Tools: Solidworks00000
EGN 188Engineering Tools: Materials Processing00000
EGN 301Junior Design Project and the Engineering Profession00000
EGN 325Control Systems00000
EGN 402Senior Design Project00000
EGN 481Engineering Statistics for Manufacturing00000
EGN 517Introduction to Robotics00000
EGN 181Engineering Tools: Mathematica00000
EGN 186Engineering Tools: MatLab00000
EGN 248Introduction to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra00000
EGN 304Engineering Economics00000
EGN 329Electromechanical and Control Systems Laboratory00000
EGN 403Advanced Design Project00000
EGN 497Independent Study00000
EGN 546Micro Electromechanical Systems00000
EGN 160Introduction to Programming: The C Language00000
EGN 183Engineering Tools: LabView00000
EGN 187Engineering Tools: Circuit Simulation00000
EGN 260Materials Science for Engineers00000
EGN 317Introduction to Robotics00000
EGN 394Engineering Internship00000
EGN 446Micro Electromechanical Systems00000
EGN 498Advanced Topics in Engineering00000
EGN 602Graduate Design Project00000