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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANS 373EMdrn Japanese Lit In Transltn00000
ANS 391Politics, Ecology, History00000
ANS 388MTranslating India00000
ANS 385Paradigm Shifts Lit/Cul Stu00000
ANS 384South Asian Pol In Comp Persp00000
ANS 384EAsceticism00000
ANS 380CConf Course In Asian Studies00000
ANS 379His And Mem In Jpn And Korea00000
ANS 374CBuddhist Art-Wb00000
ANS 373GEpics And Heroes Of India00000
ANS 397CComprehensive Exam Preparation00000
ANS 373CDecoding Cla Chinese Poetry00000
ANS 372JWomen & Gender In China-Wb00000
ANS 372NJapanese Concepts Body/Self00000
ANS 372GPrecolonial India 1200-175000000
ANS 372Art In The Himalayas00000
ANS 372RJpn Pop: Anime/Manga/Otaku-Wb00000
ANS 372KGend/Sex/Fam Indian Rel/Cul-Wb00000
ANS 372PSouth Asian Migration To Us00000
ANS 362Research In Asian Studies00000
ANS 390Shii Islam: History & Resis00000
ANS 361QThe Age Of The Samurai00000
ANS 320DClasscl Indian Lit In Trnsltn00000
ANS 997CComprehensive Exam Preparation00000
ANS 698BThesis00000
ANS 697CComprehensive Exam Preparation00000
ANS 678HAHonors Tutorial Course00000
ANS 398TSupervised Teaching In Ans00000
ANS 398LPedagogy For Lang Instruction00000
ANS 395Proseminar In Asian Studies00000
ANS 361NSelf/Culture In North Korea00000
ANS 386Reading Japanese Lit And Film00000
ANS 381Contemporary Chinese History00000
ANS 999WDissertation00000
ANS 699WDissertation00000
ANS 698AThesis00000
ANS 678HBHonors Tutorial Course00000
ANS 399WDissertation00000
ANS 398RMaster's Report00000
ANS 307CIntro To The History Of India00000
ANS 340MModern China-Wb00000
ANS 340CJapan Relig/Westrn Imagintn00000
ANS 340DHist Of Hindu Relig Tradtn-Wb00000
ANS 340Shamanism & The Primitive00000
ANS 340LPost-Mao China: Chng/Transform00000
ANS 322MPolitics In China-Wb00000
ANS 321MPolitics In Japan00000
ANS 320CGenji/Godzilla Adaptn Jpn Clsc00000
ANS 320Classical Indian Literature00000
ANS 340JJainism: Rlgn Non-Violence-Wb00000
ANS 302KIntroduction To South Asia00000
ANS 302DIntro To Korean Cul And Hist00000
ANS 302JIntroduction To Japan00000
ANS 302CIntroduction To China00000
ANS 301RHistory Of Religions Of Asia00000
ANS 301MBangladesh: Hist/Cul/Polit00000
ANS 180CConf Course In Asian Studies00000
ANS 340QSufism Islam Thought/Spiritult00000
ANS 346CAncient India00000
ANS 347KGov/Politics Of South Asia-Wb00000
ANS 361Intro To South Indian Lit00000
ANS 361DHist Food/Healing China/Taiwan00000
ANS 361MBig Asian Histories00000
ANS 361GState Bldg In China/Taiwan-Wb00000
ANS 361CPol Econ Devel Postwar Kor-Wb00000
ANS 361KIndian Republic 1947-Present00000
ANS 361FEthnic Polit In Taiwan/Asia-Wb00000
ANS 361RTrnsntl Asia Mid E To Far E00000
ANS 361EUrban Experiences In E Asia00000
ANS 341PShamanism And The Primitive00000
ANS 346MEarly Modern India-Wb00000
ANS 346NIndian Subcontinent, 1750-195000000
ANS 341MImperial Japan00000
ANS 341KOrigins Of Modern Japan00000
ANS 340TTaiwan: Colniz/Migratn/Ident00000
ANS 340UDevotional Literature Of India00000
ANS 340FGoddesses World Relig/Cul00000
ANS 340SChinese In The United States00000