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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARH 330GArt At Court: Gothic Period00000
ARH 344JTwnth-Cen Afr Amer Art00000
ARH 341SArt Cinemas Of The Americas-Wb00000
ARH 341KModern Art Of Mexico00000
ARH 341NOther Modrnties Latn Am Art-Wb00000
ARH 341RApertures: Film/Photo Mex00000
ARH 339PUs Painting: 1860-191300000
ARH 339NPainting In America To 186000000
ARH 338MArt And Culture: 1968 & After00000
ARH 337K20Th-C European Art To 1940-Wb00000
ARH 335FArt And The Moral Law00000
ARH 333LRembrt/Rubens: N Baroq Art00000
ARH 332LNorth Renais Art 1500-1600-Wb00000
ARH 331PArt/City In Renaissance Italy00000
ARH 345JContemp Art Afr Diaspora-Wb00000
ARH 329RRomanesque Art & Architecture00000
ARH 329NArt And Arch Of Late Antiquity00000
ARH 328JArts Of Islam, 650-150000000
ARH 327SArt/Politics Republican Rome00000
ARH 327NArt/Politics Imperial Rome-Wb00000
ARH 326JParthenon Through The Ages00000
ARH 325Art/Archeo Ancient Near East00000
ARH 321Problems Art Historical Rsch00000
ARH 303Surv Of Renais Thru Modern Art00000
ARH 301Introduction To Visual Arts00000
ARH 999WDissertation00000
ARH 698BThesis00000
ARH 374History Of Graphic Design00000
ARH 699WDissertation00000
ARH 698AThesis00000
ARH 398TSupv Teaching In Art History00000
ARH 396KAdvanced Lecture Tutorial00000
ARH 396Advanced Reading Tutorial00000
ARH 395Rsch Mthds In Histry Of Art00000
ARH 393D1-Visualizing Slavery-Wb00000
ARH 390Ancient Maya Iconography00000
ARH 386P2-Writing About Contemp Art00000
ARH 384Leonardo Da Vinci-Wb00000
ARH 381Affects And Arts00000
ARH 376Reading Tutorial In Arh Probs00000
ARH 399WDissertation00000
ARH 373DDiaspora Visual Culture00000
ARH 370Arch/Sculpture In Maya World00000
ARH 366PContemporary Art00000
ARH 365Baroque Imagination Italy-Wb00000
ARH 363Mid East Hist In 100 Objects00000
ARH 361LArabs/Vikings Art Culture00000
ARH 348MTaj Mahal/Divrsty Indian Art00000
ARH 348NBuddhist Art-Wb00000
ARH 347RArch/Sculpture In Maya World00000
ARH 347MMaya Art/Architecture-Gua00000
ARH 347NAztec Art And Civilization-Wb00000
ARH 346KIntro To African Art-Wb00000
ARH 329JByzantine Art00000
ARH 341PContemporary Latin Am Art-Wb00000
ARH 341MContemporary Mexican Art-Mex00000
ARH 339RArt, Art History, And Medicine00000
ARH 339MAmerican Art, 1958-198500000
ARH 339QMdrnsm In Am Design/Arch-Wb00000
ARH 338JPerforming Art History00000
ARH 335JNineteenth-Century Art00000
ARH 335GArt And Landscape 1778-1908-Wb00000
ARH 332KNorth Renais Art 1350-1500-Wb00000
ARH 331KErly Itl Renais Art To 147000000
ARH 330JGothic Cathedral: Amiens00000
ARH 329TArt In Age Of Dante/Giotto-Wb00000
ARH 341J19Th-Cent Latin Amer Art00000
ARH 328LMdvl Mid E Hist 100 Objects-Wb00000
ARH 328NArabs/Vikings Art/Culture00000
ARH 327RArt In Lives Ordinary Roman-Wb00000
ARH 326KMyth/Image Greek/Romn Mediter00000
ARH 326MArt/Archeo Greek Sanctuaries00000
ARH 322Iss Exhbt/Collectn Vis Arts00000
ARH 304Issues In Visual Culture00000
ARH 302Surv Ancient Thru Medieval Art00000
ARH 196CReading Tutorial00000
ARH 386JWhat Are Landscape Gardens00000
ARH 328MMdrn Mid E Hist 100 Objects00000
ARH 335NEuropean Art, 1789-184800000
ARH 366N4Th Dimensn In 20C Art Cul-Wb00000
ARH 397Doctoral Colloquium00000
ARH 396CReading Tutorial00000
ARH 396PQualifying Exam Preparation00000
ARH 394The Islamic City00000
ARH 392Landscape And Buddhist Art-Wb00000
ARH 387Black: Monochrom Instrutabilts00000
ARH 385Rembrandt And Vermeer00000
ARH 382Ancient Lives Roman Bldgs00000
ARH 379HThesis Course For Dept Honors00000
ARH 375Thry Mthd History Of Art00000
ARH 373EBlack Art, Brown Art00000
ARH 372E Asia In Global Contemp Art00000
ARH 386NBetween Flesh And Spirit00000
ARH 366JIndiv Artist 19Th Cen Manet00000
ARH 364Baroque Imagination Italy-Wb00000
ARH 362Constr/Decon/Recon Anc Rome00000
ARH 361Encntrs Mex Past Prsent-Mex00000
ARH 348PArt In The Himalayas00000
ARH 347PMesoamericn Writing Systems-Wb00000
ARH 347LMesoamerican Art/Culture-Wb00000
ARH 347KArt/Archaeol Of Anc Peru00000
ARH 346LAfricana Women's Art-Wb00000
ARH 345MVis Arts Of The Caribbean00000
ARH 345LDiaspora Visions-Wb00000
ARH 344LArt Of Harlem Renaissance-Wb00000