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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COM 3231-Sports Media Internship00000
COM 040HHonors Reflection-Wb00000
COM 105Beyond The Bridge00000
COM 119Maymester Seminar: Amsterdam00000
COM 178Communication Internship00000
COM 301LIntro To Comm And Leadership00000
COM 302EInterdscplnry Comm Foundations00000
COM 307HLife Of The Mind: Honors00000
COM 314Industries Of Influence00000
COM 318Industries Of Influence-Nyc00000
COM 679HAHonors Thesis-Wb00000
COM 325Longhorn Startup-Wb00000
COM 340Leadership/Urbn Engagemnt-Utny00000
COM 350LSem In L A:Internship-L A00000
COM 360HIndependent Study Honors00000
COM 370Critical Issues In Photography00000
COM 650Communication Internship00000
COM 679HBHonors Thesis-Wb00000
COM 214Special Tpcs Student Success00000
COM 316Photographic Communication00000
COM 308Creative Comm Sci Research00000
COM 013Success Scholars Seminar00000
COM 102Intro To Health Comm-Wb00000
COM 115Moody Student Success Smnr00000
COM 125Longhorn Startup Seminar00000
COM 179Advanced Comm Internship00000
COM 301EIntro To Comm Foundations00000
COM 303Intro Contmp Media Literacy00000
COM 308HLife Of Community: Honors-Wb00000
COM 326Independent Study00000
COM 320LSeminar Comm/Leadership00000
COM 3243-L A: Insde The Msc Industry00000
COM 330HHonors Capstone-Wb00000
COM 350Communication Internship00000
COM 351LInternship Comm/Leadership-Wb00000
COM 370HIssues In Black American Ad/Pr00000
COM 370LCapstone Comm/Leadership00000
COM 650LSemester In L A Int-L A00000