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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIS 341KOrigins Of Modern Japan00000
HIS 323LEurope Since 1919-Wb00000
HIS 328MModern Brazil-Wb00000
HIS 329UPerspectives On Science & Math00000
HIS 332RMarx And Marxist Theory00000
HIS 333LUs Foreign Relatns, 1776-191400000
HIS 334JHist Of Brit Restoratn-178300000
HIS 337NGermany In The 20Th Cen-Honors00000
HIS 340LPost-Mao China: Chng/Transform00000
HIS 340VBig Asian Histories00000
HIS 340SChinese In The United States00000
HIS 322DScntfc Revolutn Of 17Th Cen-Wb00000
HIS 343WWitches, Workers, And Wives00000
HIS 343The Age Of Reformation-Wb00000
HIS 343LHistory Of Russia To 191700000
HIS 343RRevolutionary Russia-Wb00000
HIS 344SThe Crusades00000
HIS 345JComing Of Civil War, 1829-186100000
HIS 346TCuban Revolution & The Us00000
HIS 346GPrecolonial India 1200-175000000
HIS 347JPuerto Rico In Crisis00000
HIS 350RMapping Racial Violence Tx-Wb00000
HIS 310MFilm/Hist Lat Am: Colonial-Wb00000
HIS 301FThe Premodern World00000
HIS 302CIntroduction To China00000
HIS 304RJudaism, Christianity, Islam00000
HIS 306JMid East: Adj/Chg Mdrn Time-Wb00000
HIS 306QThe Ancient Middle East00000
HIS 307CIntro To The History Of India00000
HIS 309JRoots Religious Toleration-Wb00000
HIS 309KWestern Civ In Medvl Times00000
HIS 310Intro To Modern Africa-Wb00000
HIS 310KLatin Amer Civ: Colonial Ex-Wb00000
HIS 352LMexican Revolution, 1910-20-Wb00000
HIS 311KIntro To Traditional Africa00000
HIS 315GIntro To American Studies00000
HIS 315LThe United States Since 186500000
HIS 317LAmerican Jewish History00000
HIS 318NDiscovery History00000
HIS 320ETexas Before 1900-Wb00000
HIS 320FTexas, 1900 To The Present00000
HIS 320WThinking Like A Historian00000
HIS 321MHist Of Rome: The Republic00000
HIS 322MHistory Of Modern Science00000
HIS 388KGlobal Iran00000
HIS 380LEurpn Imperlsm: Mod Mid East00000
HIS 380KHist Of Science And The Env-Wb00000
HIS 381Strat/Ideas/Statcrft: Amer Exp00000
HIS 382NContemporary Chinese History00000
HIS 382JMedicine In Empire/Diaspora00000
HIS 382LMaterial Culture In Africa-Wb00000
HIS 383Soviet Union: Wwii-Collapse00000
HIS 383JRus/E Eur/Eurasn Civ/Cul-Wb00000
HIS 384KBritish Hist, Lit, & Politics00000
HIS 386LLatin America And The World-Wb00000
HIS 378WCapstone In History00000
HIS 389Watershed Decade: The 1970S-Wb00000
HIS 392Blk Pltcs: Frm Rcnstrcn To Blm00000
HIS 394HIntro To Historical Inquiry00000
HIS 397K1-Lit/Us Hist Before 1865-Wb00000
HIS 398TSupervised Teaching In Hist00000
HIS 679HBHonors Tutorial Course00000
HIS 698AThesis00000
HIS 699WDissertation00000
HIS 343EMdrn Mid E Hist 100 Objects00000
HIS 368SThe Age Of The Samurai00000
HIS 363CArgentina:Populsm/Insurrctn00000
HIS 354EArchaic/Classical Greece00000
HIS 355SUs Constitutional History00000
HIS 355FThe United States, 1877-192000000
HIS 355PUnited States Since 194100000
HIS 356KMain Curr Amer Cul Since 186500000
HIS 357CAfrican American Hist To 186000000
HIS 357DAfrican Amer Hist Since 186000000
HIS 358MHist Britain 1783 Thru Wwi00000
HIS 361SEuropean Espionage 1914-8900000
HIS 363KPolitics Of Food In Latin Amer00000
HIS 999WDissertation00000
HIS 364EThe Dead Sea Scrolls-Wb00000
HIS 364QFrench Emp: The West/Islam00000
HIS 366QNewton's Principia00000
HIS 366NHist Modern Mexico, 1940-Pres00000
HIS 367FSlavery/South Asian History00000
HIS 367QHist Food/Healing China/Taiwan00000
HIS 372LProsmnr In Hist Source Reading00000
HIS 374QRace Against Empire: Amers-Wb00000
HIS 375KTudor England, 1485-160300000
HIS 376GHitler/Nazism/Ww II-Hon-Wb00000
HIS 334LAmer Rev/Fnd Of Us, 1763-180000000
HIS 320RTexas, 1914 To The Present00000
HIS 321History Of Rome: The Empire-Wb00000
HIS 322GHist Of Modern Life Sciences00000
HIS 322RBio, Behavior, And Injustice00000
HIS 322SHist Of Genetics/Eugenics00000
HIS 325QRus Orthodox Religion/Cultr00000
HIS 329PHistory Of The Atomic Bomb00000
HIS 331LModern Iran00000
HIS 333MUs Foreign Relatns, 1914-Pres00000
HIS 334EModern Egypt: A History00000
HIS 320PTexas, 1845-191400000
HIS 339QMdvl Mid E Hist 100 Objects-Wb00000
HIS 340MModern China-Wb00000
HIS 340UCul Outsidr: Memoirs E Asia00000
HIS 340TTaiwan: Colniz/Migratn/Ident00000
HIS 341MImperial Japan00000
HIS 343MHistory Of Russia Since 191700000
HIS 343GItal Renaissance, 1350-1550-Wb00000
HIS 343CTrnsntl Asia Mid E To Far E00000
HIS 344G12Th-Cen Renais: 1050-1200-Wb00000
HIS 345LAmer Civ War/Reconstr, 1861-7700000
HIS 309MMedieval Millennium Europe00000
HIS 375DIslamic Spain/N Afr To 1492-Wb00000
HIS 339SSufism Islam Thought/Spiritult00000
HIS 366FPolitics Of Food Latin Amer00000
HIS 366DJews: Nation Or People00000
HIS 301JGlobalization: A Modern His-Wb00000
HIS 301GModern World00000
HIS 304QLuthers World-Wb00000
HIS 306NRevltn/Decoloniztn N Africa00000
HIS 306KMid East: Rel/Cul/Hist Fnd-Wb00000
HIS 307QIntro Holocaust/Genocd Studies00000
HIS 346NIndian Subcontinent, 1750-195000000
HIS 309LWestern Civ In Modern Times00000
HIS 310RLatin America And The Us00000
HIS 310LLat Am Civ: Natl Experience00000
HIS 310NFilm/Hist Latin Amer: Mod-Wb00000
HIS 311JHistory Of Israel00000
HIS 314KHist Of Mexican Amers In Us-Wb00000
HIS 315KThe United States, 1492-186500000
HIS 317N2-Thinking Like A Historian00000
HIS 318WThinking Like A Historian00000
HIS 319DAncient Mediterranean World00000
HIS 376FThe Us And Second World War-Wb00000
HIS 363EMapping Latin America-Wb00000
HIS 364GIslam Early Mod World:Rel/Cult00000
HIS 364CHist Of Hindu Relig Tradtn-Wb00000
HIS 365G5-Science, Ethics, & Society00000
HIS 366ERstitutn/Rstr Jstc Holocst00000
HIS 366PSexuality/Gender In Lat Am00000
HIS 367SIslm Early Mod Wrld Rlg/Cul00000
HIS 367DGender And Modern India00000
HIS 372MProsmnr In Historical Writing00000
HIS 375LStuart England, 1603-168900000
HIS 362GEuropean Espionage 1914-8900000
HIS 383MAtlantic History-Wb00000
HIS 385PIntro To Public History-Wb00000
HIS 386KApproach Study Of Relig Lat Am00000
HIS 391CConference Course00000
HIS 393LQualifying Examination00000
HIS 397LMonasticism/Monastic Srcs00000
HIS 398RMaster's Report00000
HIS 399WDissertation00000
HIS 679HAHonors Tutorial Course00000
HIS 698BThesis00000
HIS 347RChile Revltn To Cnterrevltn-Wb00000
HIS 346PIndian Republic 1947-Present00000
HIS 346RRevolutn In Modern Lat Amer00000
HIS 346MEarly Modern India-Wb00000
HIS 346KColonial Latin America00000
HIS 346LModern Latin America-Wb00000
HIS 346WChurch/State In Lat Amer-Wb00000
HIS 346JColonial Lat Amer Thru Objs-Wb00000
HIS 346V20Th-Cen Rural Latin Amer00000
HIS 347PWhen Christ Was King00000
HIS 347LSeminar In Historiography-Wb00000
HIS 346CAncient India00000
HIS 347NUrban Slavery In The Amers-Wb00000
HIS 350LPiracy In East Asia00000
HIS 351DAlexander/Hellenistic World-Wb00000
HIS 353French Revolution/Napoleon00000
HIS 354FThree French Wars 20Th Cen-Wb00000
HIS 355NMain Curr Of Amer Cul To 186500000
HIS 356SAmer Pres 1789 To Present-Wb00000
HIS 356PUs In The Civil Rights Era00000
HIS 358QSupervised Research00000
HIS 359RHistory Of West Africa-Wb00000