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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LAW 248CCivil Rights Litigation00000
LAW 348EInterntnal Human Rights Law-Wb00000
LAW 378JDomestic Violence & The Law-Wb00000
LAW 579PContemporary Legal Development00000
LAW 390EOil And Gas Taxation-Wb00000
LAW 354DCorporate Governance-Wb00000
LAW 297LDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 187HAdv Problem-Solving Technqs00000
LAW 383Evidence00000
LAW 243CUnited States Law, Intro00000
LAW 487VIntnsv Litigtn Advocacy Skills00000
LAW 396KLegislation00000
LAW 321QContracts For Foreign Lawyers00000
LAW 184W6-Adv Lgl Wr: Workshop00000
LAW 135GRdg Grp: Law/Social Media-Wb00000
LAW 281DJurisdiction And Judgments00000
LAW 365MLand-Use Regulation00000
LAW 335JIntl Commercial Arbitration00000
LAW 393DInternatl Business Transactns00000
LAW 361Administrative Law00000
LAW 197PInternship: Judicial00000
LAW 387WAppellate Advocacy00000
LAW 281QIntl Arbitratn: Practcl Skills00000
LAW 393FInternational Tax00000
LAW 269Insurance-Wb00000
LAW 474KBusiness Associations-Wb00000
LAW 423Criminal Law I00000
LAW 292GFinancial Mthds For Lawyers00000
LAW 521Contracts00000
LAW 393RPartnership Tax00000
LAW 135PRdg Grp: Lincoln/Douglass-Wb00000
LAW 348DAmericans With Disabilities00000
LAW 197WClinic, Advanced00000
LAW 383GCapital Punishment: Advanced00000
LAW 270FCriminal Defense, Advanced00000
LAW 361JEmployment Law00000
LAW 285FTx Legisltr: Process/Procedure00000
LAW 184V1-Adv Rsch: Foreign/Intl Law00000
LAW 331DReal Estate Development00000
LAW 374KBusiness Associations00000
LAW 340Family Law-Wb00000
LAW 394FEmployment Law00000
LAW 354JFederal Income Taxation00000
LAW 381CConst Law II: Const History00000
LAW 382GInternational Law00000
LAW 493DInternatl Business Transactns00000
LAW 385JTransactions00000
LAW 232DAdv Lgl Wr: Litigation-Wb00000
LAW 389VIntelligence And Natl Security00000
LAW 494STexas Civil Procedure: Survey00000
LAW 391CLand-Use Regulation00000
LAW 258NTex Legis: Process & Proced-Wb00000
LAW 395EHealth Law00000
LAW 381ETerror/Consent: Const/Intl Law00000
LAW 397LDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 274JMergers And Acquisitions00000
LAW 461Administrative Law-Wb00000
LAW 434Constitutional Law I00000
LAW 285Professional Responsibility00000
LAW 483Evidence00000
LAW 389CFamily Law00000
LAW 493QFederal Income Taxation00000
LAW 297FDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 533Civil Procedure00000
LAW 289TIntnl Law Of Cyber Conflict00000
LAW 697PIntrnshp: Legislative Supplmnt00000
LAW 341LNatural Resources Law00000
LAW 179PAdvanced Criminal Law Skills00000
LAW 487FAdvcy Prac/Thry New Millennm00000
LAW 196WAdvcy For Online Arbitratn/Odr00000
LAW 350RPatent Litigation-Wb00000
LAW 232HAppellate Clerkship Writing-Wb00000
LAW 390J2-Energy Law: Reg Energy Mkts00000
LAW 261KLabor Law00000
LAW 354UFed Inc Tax Of Trusts/Estates00000
LAW 276LWater Law00000
LAW 176HIntensive Trial Skills00000
LAW 285PTrnsctl Prctce Sklls Dng Dls00000
LAW 362LRemedies00000
LAW 295QLegal Rsch/Wrtg Foreign Lawyer00000
LAW 389JDomestic Violence And The Law00000
LAW 323FFederal Criminal Law-Wb00000
LAW 371RPerspectives On Public Policy00000
LAW 335DAnimal Law00000
LAW 187VIntnsv Litigtn Advocacy Skills00000
LAW 335FElection Law And Policy00000
LAW 376LWater Law-Wb00000
LAW 342MBankruptcy-Wb00000
LAW 381WIntl Investor/State Arbitratn00000
LAW 350NTrademarks00000
LAW 379PCap Punishment: Advanced00000
LAW 355LHigher Education And The Law00000
LAW 196VLaw Of Music Festivals00000
LAW 361EAdministrative Law, Texas00000
LAW 197FDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 382FIntl Petroleum Transactions-Wb00000
LAW 484HCorporate Tax00000
LAW 384NSecurities Regulation00000
LAW 232QLegal Rsch & Wrtg Frgn Lwr-Wb00000
LAW 386Federal Courts00000
LAW 187NNarration/Prob Solving For Lit00000
LAW 387VIntnsv Litigtn Advocacy Skills00000
LAW 235GRdg Grp: Start/Manage Prac-Wb00000
LAW 389UPerspectives On Public Policy00000
LAW 383CCriminal Procdr: Bail To Jail00000
LAW 391E1-Environmental Law: Toxics00000
LAW 250TPatent Prosecution Workshop00000
LAW 392EEconomic Efficiency Analysis00000
LAW 286WPatent Prosecution Workshop00000
LAW 394PState And Local Government00000
LAW 264TConstruction Litigation00000
LAW 396WCopyright/Med Rights Wkshop00000
LAW 187QEmerging Skills: Litigators00000
LAW 397FDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 272PFinancial Mthds For Lawyers00000
LAW 397CClinic: Children's Rights00000
LAW 382WMass Tort Litigation-Wb00000
LAW 431Property00000
LAW 279PDeposition/Expert Witnesses00000
LAW 454JFederal Income Taxation00000
LAW 440MAntitrust: Eco Anly/Lgl Int-Wb00000
LAW 284W1-Adv Lgl Wr: Immigration00000
LAW 468NEmployment Discrimination Law00000
LAW 385CJurisprudence00000
LAW 476WAdvoc Prac/Thry For New Millen00000
LAW 286ESupreme Court00000
LAW 486Federal Courts00000
LAW 285RAcademic Freedom/First Amendmt00000
LAW 492CBusiness Associations00000
LAW 296VPatent Litigation00000
LAW 497CClinic: Capital Punishment00000
LAW 390GGlb Enrg Trns Lgl/Fin/Sci Prsp00000
LAW 527Torts-Wb00000
LAW 297PInternship: Fed Publ Defender00000
LAW 574KBusiness Associations00000
LAW 386SCopyright00000
LAW 597PInternship: Prosecution00000
LAW 330MReal Estate Finance00000
LAW 132DLegal Wrtng In Plain Englsh-Wb00000
LAW 394HLabor Law00000
LAW 176NAdvocacy Survey: Skills-Wb00000
LAW 345DConsumer Protection (Dtpa)-Wb00000
LAW 180RSecured Credit Workshop00000
LAW 382HImmigration00000
LAW 195SLegal English00000
LAW 350LPatent Law00000
LAW 197LDirected Research And Study00000
LAW 132CAdv Research: General-Wb00000
LAW 232SPersuasive Wrtg And Advcacy-Wb00000
LAW 351KCrim Procedure: Investigation00000
LAW 235PRdg Grp: Acad Frdm/1St Amnd-Wb00000
LAW 290J1-Texas Energy Law00000
LAW 254UFed Inc Tax Trusts/Estates-Wb00000
LAW 354RCorporate Tax00000
LAW 264SConstruction Law00000
LAW 171VPitfalls/Prac Decisn Making-Wb00000
LAW 274RInternational Tax00000
LAW 357Texas Marital Rels And Divorce00000
LAW 279MConstitutional Litigation00000
LAW 386VPatent Litigation00000
LAW 283TCriminal Defense, Advanced00000
LAW 361KLabor Law00000
LAW 285WConstruction Litigation00000
LAW 179MAdv Strat Plnng In Civil Lit00000
LAW 292VInsurance00000
LAW 363UEnergy Law00000
LAW 296WArbitration00000
LAW 393HCnsmr Prot: Decpt Trd Prct Act00000
LAW 297WClinic, Advanced00000
LAW 370MCrim Procedure: Prosecution00000
LAW 331KReal Estate Transactions00000
LAW 185QCorp Acct Envirn/Pub Hlth Harm00000
LAW 332RLegal Analysis And Comm00000
LAW 373CImmigration00000
LAW 335EElct Dscvry & Dgtl Evidence00000
LAW 391PAnimal Law00000
LAW 335LLaw Libraries-Wb00000
LAW 376TTx Civ Lit: Pretrial/Trl Strat00000
LAW 339Jurisprudence-Wb00000
LAW 187EAdvocacy Survey: Skills00000
LAW 341GSports Law-Wb00000
LAW 377Admiralty Law-Wb00000
LAW 346KNegotiation00000
LAW 189VPitfalls/Prac Decisn Making00000
LAW 350KCopyright00000
LAW 378RCapital Punishment00000
LAW 353LEcon Efficiency Analysis-Wb00000
LAW 187JAdv Strat Plnng In Civil Lit00000
LAW 354QPartnership Tax-Wb00000
LAW 380CPayment Systems-Wb00000
LAW 360KAntitrust-Wb00000
LAW 394ESpecial Education Law00000
LAW 381JNegotiation00000
LAW 185RLaw And Literature00000
LAW 285QStart/Manage Law Prac00000
LAW 385SReal Estate Finance00000
LAW 284TPrep Fedrl District Clerkship00000
LAW 383QRestorative Justice00000
LAW 282Conflict Of Laws-Wb00000
LAW 450GIntellectual Proprty, Intro-Wb00000