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UTAustin Course Reviews

University of Texas at Austin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHY 317KGeneral Physics I00000
PHY 381NMeth Of Mathematicl Physics II00000
PHY 381CComputational Physics00000
PHY 380MPlasma Physics II00000
PHY 379HHonors Tutorial Course00000
PHY 375RIntroduction To Relativity00000
PHY 371CIndividual Study In Physics00000
PHY 362LQuant Phys III: Partcls/Nuclei00000
PHY 355Modern Physics & Thermodynams00000
PHY 352KClassical Electrodynamics I00000
PHY 341Forensic Science00000
PHY 338KElectronic Techniques00000
PHY 336LFluid Dynamics00000
PHY 329Intro To Computational Physics00000
PHY 382MFluid Mechanics-Wb00000
PHY 316Electricity And Magnetism00000
PHY 309LElem Phy For Nontech Stu-Wb00000
PHY 308FIntroduction To Research-Fri00000
PHY 303KEngineering Physics I00000
PHY 302LGen Phy Tch Crs: Elec/Lght/Nuc00000
PHY 290Graduate Research00000
PHY 208FIntroduction To Research00000
PHY 117NLaboratory For Phy 317L00000
PHY 116LLaboratory For Phy 31600000
PHY 110CScience Of The Times00000
PHY 105NLab For Phy 302L/303L/317L00000
PHY 102MLaboratory For Phy 302K00000
PHY 395TSpec Tpcs Atomic/Molec Phy-Wb00000
PHY 382NNonlinear Dynamics00000
PHY 375PIntroductory Plasma Physics00000
PHY 999WDissertation00000
PHY 699WDissertation00000
PHY 698BThesis00000
PHY 698AThesis00000
PHY 670TBSenior Thesis00000
PHY 474Advanced Laboratory I00000
PHY 398TSupervised Teaching In Physics00000
PHY 396LQuantum Field Theory II-Wb00000
PHY 396JIntro To Elem Particle Physics00000
PHY 396PString Theory I-Wb00000
PHY 990Graduate Research00000
PHY 395Survey Of Atomic/Molec Phys-Wb00000
PHY 393SSeminar In Relativity00000
PHY 392SSeminar In Solid-State Physics00000
PHY 392KSolid-State Physics I-Wb00000
PHY 391SSeminar In Plasma Physics00000
PHY 391TSpc Subjects In Plasma Phys-Wb00000
PHY 389KQuantum Mechanics I00000
PHY 388MGraduate Colloquy00000
PHY 387MRelativity Theory I00000
PHY 386KPhysics Of Sensors-Wb00000
PHY 385SSeminar In Statistical Physics00000
PHY 385KClassical Mechanics00000
PHY 302KGen Phy Tch Crs: Mech/Heat/Snd00000
PHY 369Thermodynamics And Stat Mech00000
PHY 362KQuant Phys II: Atoms/Molecules00000
PHY 353LModern Physics Laboratory00000
PHY 352LClassical Electrodynamics II00000
PHY 340CPeer Mentors In Rsch/Tch-Wb00000
PHY 336KClassical Dynamics00000
PHY 333Modern Optics00000
PHY 321Modern Physics: Plan II00000
PHY 317LGeneral Physics II00000
PHY 315Wave Motion And Optics00000
PHY 309KElem Phy For Nontech Students00000
PHY 303LEngineering Physics II00000
PHY 373Quantum Physics I: Foundations00000
PHY 301Mechanics00000
PHY 239CPhysics Cognition And Pedagogy00000
PHY 190Graduate Research00000
PHY 117MLaboratory For Phy 317K00000
PHY 115LLaboratory For Phy 31500000
PHY 108Introduction To Research00000
PHY 105MLab For Phy 302K/303K/317K00000
PHY 103NLaboratory For Phy 303L00000
PHY 103MLaboratory For Phy 303K00000
PHY 102NLaboratory For Phy 302L00000
PHY 101LLaboratory For Phy 30100000
PHY 395KNonlinear Optics And Lasers00000
PHY 391MNonlinear Plasma Theory00000
PHY 690Graduate Research00000
PHY 670TASenior Thesis00000
PHY 399WDissertation00000
PHY 398SSeminar High Energy Theory00000
PHY 396KQuantum Field Theory I00000
PHY 396QString Theory II-Wb00000
PHY 396TSpecial Topics In Particle Phy00000
PHY 395MLaser Physics00000
PHY 395SSmnr In Atomic And Molec Phy00000
PHY 392TSpec Topics In Solid-State Phy00000
PHY 392NMany-Body Theory-Wb00000
PHY 392LSolid-State Physics II00000
PHY 387NRelativity Theory II00000
PHY 390Graduate Research00000
PHY 389LQuantum Mechanics II-Wb00000
PHY 387LElectromagnetic Theory II00000
PHY 387KElectromagnetic Theory I00000
PHY 386NTechnical Seminar-Wb00000
PHY 385LStatistical Mechanics00000
PHY 382PBiophysics I-Wb00000
PHY 382SSeminar In Nonlinear Dynamics00000
PHY 381MMeth Of Mathematical Phys I-Wb00000
PHY 380NExperimental Physics00000
PHY 380LPlasma Physics I-Wb00000
PHY 375SIntro Solid-State Physics-Wb00000