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UTC Course Reviews

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 4840Photography and Media Art Studio III00000
ART 2611Typography I00000
ART 2330Sculpture I00000
ART 2150The History of Western Art from Renaissance to the Present00000
ART 2060Drawing Research and Ideation00000
ART 1200Introduction to Art Education00000
ART 1020Space and Sequence00000
ART 4999Group Studies: Undergraduate Research00000
ART 4998RIndividual Studies00000
ART 4910Professional Preparation for the Visual Artist00000
ART 4900Art Studio: Special topics00000
ART 2820Photography II00000
ART 4810Expanded Media Art00000
ART 4650Graphic Design Workshop I00000
ART 4380Sculpture Studio IV00000
ART 4320Performance00000
ART 4200Seminar in Art Education00000
ART 4140Major Trends in American Art00000
ART 4070Painting and Drawing Studio III00000
ART 4010Visual Arts Internship00000
ART 3830Media Art II00000
ART 4060Drawing VI00000
ART 4998Individual Studies00000
ART 4995Departmental Thesis00000
ART 4850Photography and Media Art Studio IV00000
ART 4815Web and Book for Artists00000
ART 4660Graphic Design Workshop II00000
ART 4601Graphic Design Workshop I00000
ART 4330Emerging Practices00000
ART 4200RSeminar in Art Education00000
ART 4190RSpecial Topics: Aesthetics00000
ART 4080Painting and Drawing Studio IV00000
ART 3650Interactive Media00000
ART 3840Photography and Media Art Studio I00000
ART 3660Sculpture III00000
ART 3631Processes and Materials for Graphic Design00000
ART 3611Typography II00000
ART 3380Sculpture Studio II00000
ART 3240Materials and Procedures in Art Education Ii00000
ART 3120Figure Painting00000
ART 3070Painting and Drawing Studio I00000
ART 2900Portfolio Review00000
ART 3140The History Of Modern Architecture00000
ART 4310Site and Context00000
ART 4190Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art and Architecture00000
ART 4090Senior Studio Painting and/Or Drawing00000
ART 4050Drawing V00000
ART 3850Photography and Media Art Studio II00000
ART 3710Typography II00000
ART 3641Professional Practices for Graphic Design00000
ART 3620Design History00000
ART 3601Design History00000
ART 3360Sculpture II00000
ART 4370Sculpture Studio III00000
ART 3080Painting and Drawing Studio II00000
ART 2900RPortfolio Review00000
ART 2830Media Art I00000
ART 2710Typography I00000
ART 2600Visual Literacy For Graphic Design00000
ART 2140The History of Western Art from Prehistoric Through Medieval00000
ART 2070Painting I00000
ART 2050Figure Drawing00000
ART 1050Observational Drawing00000
ART 2080Painting II00000
ART 3621Interactive Media00000
ART 3610Processes And Materials For Graphic Design00000
ART 3370Sculpture Studio I00000
ART 3230Materials and Procedures In Art Education I00000
ART 3100Critical Theory for the Visual Artist00000
ART 3010Art Structure00000
ART 2840Survey of Time-based Art00000
ART 2810Photography I00000
ART 2601Visual Literacy for Graphic Design00000
ART 2230Survey of Sculptural Practice00000
ART 1000Introduction to Contemporary Art Practices00000
ART 1110Introduction to Art00000
ART 1060Expanded Drawing00000
ART 1010Studio Processes00000
ART 4999RGroup Studies: Apothecary00000
ART 4995RDepartmental Thesis00000
ART 4900RPolitics and Ethics of Design00000
ART 4830Interdisciplinary Research00000
ART 4690Professional Practices In Graphic Design00000
ART 4611Graphic Design Workshop II00000